!Positive vibes only! [59]

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Indigo is such a perfect album..I'm like in love with EVERY SINGLE SONG😩 I'm so proud of my bby, he did his thang💜

2 weeks later...

Well it's been about 2 weeks since everything went down. Since we found out that Rosa, Alex, and Drew were the ones behind this all along.

Since I found out that Chanel was actually innocent in all this and since I found out that my daughter was being tortured.

After we took her to the hospital to get her checked out. Camila and I made sure to put Royalty in counseling.

Ever since then, Camila hasn't been able to stop blaming herself for this. So she's been down a bit but I'm standing by her and I do everything I can to make sure her and our baby girl is ok.

Surprisingly Ro has been doing fine. She still has nightmares from time to time but she doesn't seem so down anymore or scared. I talk to her every day now about how she feels and we make sure to teach her the good touch and bad touch. Camila and I want her to understand that what happened to her wasn't her fault, that she did nothing wrong. We also want to make sure no shit like this ever happens again.

We actually did decide to not even go on vacation. But after a while of talking about it I figured it would be good for Royalty and us to get away for a bit.

Now I can't just pretend that this shit doesn't eat me up everyday. Like how I didn't know what was happening to my own daughter right up under my nose. Or how I didn't realize that Rosa was a snake from the damn beginning.

But I know I can't just sit around and dwell on it. I'll only make myself upset because I can't change the past. All I can do is make things better.

"Come on mamas, mommy is waiting for us." I said to Royalty as I finished getting her dressed. It's almost 4 in morning and about time for us to head out to the private jet.

Royalty didn't know much about the trip. All she really knew is that we were going on vacation. She didn't know where or anything about the plans to Disney World.

"Yay momma I ready!" She was so hype this morning, she beat Camila getting up. Maybe because she never went to sleep...

"Yes I know you are princess, but we have to be quiet not to wake mommy yet." I whispered and Ro nodded putting her small finger to her lips.

I then heard small footsteps and looked to see Camila coming downstairs fully dressed.

Well never mind then..

"Ouu mommy you up already!"

Camila smiled at me then Royalty. "Aww good morning mija. Why are you so...alive this early hmm?"

I chuckled and Ro laughed not even knowing what was funny. "She literally stayed up with me."

Camila reaches out taking Ro out my arms.

"Y/N are you telling that you had my child up all night?"

"No, your demon child had me up all night."

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now