It's my life.[4]

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I hope you all had a great Christmas! Enjoy guys🥳


Camila's POV.

"Royalty, baby come eat before we go!" I yelled up the stairs as I finished up making breakfast.

"K mommy!" Royalty's small voice said soon after came the small footsteps.

"Hi mommy!" she squealed showing me her teeth with a wide smile that touched her beautiful round eyes.

"Hi mommy!" she squealed showing me her teeth with a wide smile that touched her beautiful round eyes

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I smiled down at her as I picked her up lifting her in her chair. "Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded quickly with a huge grin on her face. "Oh yes mommy! I had the bestest dream ever!"

I chuckled and nodded. "That's good baby." I put her food down in front of her and placed me some fresh fruit on my plate.

I sat down and listened to get go on and on about her best dream. She couldn't get enough of telling me how she was this pretty princess living in a large castle with her pony. I smiled and nodded letting her know I was listening. This kid took her dreams seriously.

"Mommy you no like cakes?" She asked randomly  as she stared over at me curiously. I knew she was asking because she had pancakes, eggs and bacon in her plate.

"Yes baby I do."

She gave me a confused look and pointed to my plate. "But you not have any."

"I know, mommy's just not feeling pancakes today." That was somewhat true.

She shrugged and nodded before going back to eating. "Ok mommy. But it's really really good!"

I gave her a soft smile. "I'm glad you like them Ro."

So I'm guessing I should catch you guys up on what's been happening with my life. I mean nothings really changed much, unless you count that Y/N and I are no longer together. I've moved out on my own, and now sharing joint custody of Royalty. Then no nothings changed.

But realistically everything has changed. Some for the better and others not so much. I can't lie and say that I don't miss Y/N everyday, but I know what we had wasn't healthy at all. But being able to actually keep Royalty and have her with me is a true blessing. I have no one but Y/N to thank for that.

Y/N and I aren't on the best terms right now. It's nothing too bad but we just don't communicate the way we used to and maybe it has a little to do with me. I won't lie and say that I don't still have some sort of resentment towards her for what she put me through. But I don't hold it over her. We are just on two totally different paths with our lives.

I've been through so much over just the last year and a half that I really didn't even know where I would be. Especially after losing the baby, I thought I'd never be able to move from that. But trust me I'm still affected by it, I've just learned now how to kinda cope with it.

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