Doctor visits. [50]

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This is not the happiest chapter guys...

Camila's POV.

I woke up early the next morning to see I was laying in bed cuddled up to Royalty. I had to get her up and dressed since she has a doctors appointment today.

So I'm gonna take her out for breakfast before and just spend some one on one time with my daughter.

"Royalty...come on baby it's time to get up." I said softly as I placed small kissed on her head and rubbed her back.

She began to whine as she rolled over pulling her small pink blanket over her face. I laughed pulling her closer to me.

"Come on Ro Ro up."

"Mommy no!"

"Yes Royalty, Get up or no more tea parties." I whispered to her in a warning tone.

Her head immediately popped up and she reached out for me. "I up mommy now. I get up."

I laughed picking her up in my arms. "Oof baby you are getting heavy. You're almost as big as mommy."

She giggled bouncing in my arms. "No mommy you bigger den me! I small!"

I gave her cheek many kisses before putting her down. "You're right baby, you are small. Promise me you'll stay small forever.."

"No mommy I grow bigger!" She bounced on her heels as she stood with her stuffed bunny in her arms.

"Are you sure about that?"

She gave me a glare and nodded. "Yes mommy."

I couldn't help but laugh at her sassiness. "Alright princess lets go get ready to go."

"Yay mommy I picked out my clothes!" She yelled and I gently patted her butt making her run away.

I hope everything goes ok today. I don't know why but I'm kinda nervous about what the doctor might tell me. Obviously somethings off with her but I'm hoping and praying that it's nothing too bad.

Y/N was supposed to be here to go with us but something came up with her management so she had to fly out to Atlanta. Apparently it was so important she had to be there.

Speaking of, I really don't know what got into me last night. I mean it was clearly something that I wanted and it seemed right at the time. But maybe she was right. I was jealous of her going out with another woman, so I wanted her to have me so she-I guess wouldn't forget me. I can't lie I am scared of losing her to someone else all because I want us to take things slow and try to be friends first.

I know Y/N but also know that she has needs...maybe I did let what the girls said get to me.

After getting Royalty dresses and getting myself ready we were out the door in no time. We stopped at a Waffle House down the street to grab breakfast and then made our way to the doctors office that was near by.

"Mommy you take my pictures!" Royalty yelled as she jumped up and down.

"Sure baby." I laughed as I pulled my phone out of my purse. "Say cheese!"



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