Fuck a friendship. [73]

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My eyes popped open at the sound of my front door slamming and the alarm going off. I looked over at Camila and then to the clock on the nightstand. Slowly sitting up I held my hands to my spinning head.

Damn I must have had a ton to drink.

I got up and walked over to my boxers that were laid out in the floor and slipped them on before putting on a grey pair of jogging pants I had laid out. After grabbing a bat from my closet in slowly crept down the stairs.

I swear if this was some type of bullshit then I'm beating someone's ass to death. I just had a good ass night and the last thing I need is anybody irritating me and ruining it.

Walking into my kitchen, I exhaled at the sight of mama cabello.

"Shit! Sinuhe, Uhh what are you doing here so early."

She shrugged as she moved around the kitchen.

"Well you neither of you guys answered my phone call. I nodded to talk to you two about Royalty."

I watched her stop what she was doing and eye me up and down.

"Oh yeah, my bad. I was just about to get in the shower." Me being embarrassed as fuck right now, I wanted to jump for joy when I heard Camila coming down the steps.

"Hi mami, you're here early?"

"Mmhm I know." She said while looking between the both of us.

I put my head in my hand when I noticed Camila was standing here in nothing but my shirt and hickies all down her neck and thighs.

"Looks like you two had a very busy night huh?"

Camila smiled as she stepped down the last step and came over next to me.

"What's going on mom?"

"Well I think something is going on with my granddaughter."

Camila and I looked at each other before her. "And what exactly do you think is wrong with her?"

She shrugged. "Mmm not necessarily wrong, but I don't feel like she's been giving the fair amount of attention, from either of you really."

Once she finished talking I shook my head and laughed. Her and mila looked up my way as I laughed again.

"So what is that you call what I do everyday? We spend time with our daughter Sinuhe and I don't think it you have any right!"

"Y/N-" I felt Camila pressing her hand on my lower back.

"What Camila, did you hear your mother? She just insulted us!"

Sinuhe leaned against the counter and watched me for a second. "Camila, you know as well as I do that every since she went through what she did she's needed special attention. That's all I'm saying, I'm not trying to insult anyone here Y/N. But if Royalty feels alone at some point what are you going to do!"

I groaned into my hands and paced around. Camila grabbed me by the arms stopping me.

"Mom- ok, I get it. Y/N and I are taking the right steps to make sure she doesn't feel that way, and we talk to our daughter. I mean no disrespect momma, but this is something I don't need you to tell me about."

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now