Like old times [31]

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"Royalty babe. You've gotta do more than just push all the buttons." I chuckled as I tried showing her how to press the keys on the controller. "Here let me show you."

She whined dramatically throwing her head back on the couch. "But I do it momma!"

If you couldn't tell she was just as stubborn as her damn mommy. She wanted to come down to the game room but of course she doesn't know what she's doing.

"Alright baby I'll let you do it yourself."

"Tanks momma, cause I bigger girl now."

I laughed at her cute self. "I know baby."

She never fails to remind me that she's a big girl. It hurts me every time, because my little baby girl is really growing up on me.


"Yes Ro?"

"Is mommy still sweepin'?"

I looked from the tv to see Royalty now standing up on the couch with a small pout on her face. We've been up for a while now and when I got Ro up Camila was fast asleep.

We actually talked some last night when I got back home, because I feel like we haven't done much of that since she's been back. Having that talk with India earlier yesterday has been on my mind ever since.

Of course I didn't bring any of that up to Camila but I was happy that we talked.

"I don't know baby, you wanna go see?"

She nodded quickly as she bounced up and down. "Yes momma I go see mommy!"

"Ok, come on baby, let's go hang out with mommy."

I picked her up and we made our way down the hall to the nearest elevator.

After looking all over for Camila I decided to go check down in the basement.

"Mommy may be in here." I said to Royalty as we walked down into the movie theater.

" I said to Royalty as we walked down into the movie theater

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