Happy Birthday Ro Ro! [67]

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Y/N's POV.

"No India she's fine I promise. Stop worrying so much, you don't have to come."

"Don't tell me not to worry Y/N! That is my child, and I worry about her."

I sighed and nodded. "I know."

She had every right to be worried. Reign had been through something traumatic before, so I can't even blame her for being this way. Hell, I'm still scared a lot of the time myself. Because I just never know when she's gonna get sick, or what I'm gonna do.

She gave me a look. "How are you doing?"

"I'll be alright. You know I guess I put myself in this damn position so now I have to suffer through it."

"You don't necessarily have to suffer Y/N. If you try and talk to her, and I mean really sit down and talk to her. No excuses, no playing around. Then you could possibly fix things."

I sighed deeply taking in what she had said to me. She was right and I knew that. But it was just easier said than done. I don't expect Camila to just up and forgive me, or want to listen to what I have to say. But it would be nice if she did just listen and let me explain.

"I just want you to focus on feeling better alright? Call me whenever you need to."

India smiled and nodded slowly. "Alright Y/N I hear you. Take care of my babies, and tell Royalty I said happy birthday."

I nodded and smiled. "You know I will."

After hanging up with her I made sure the twins were buckled up tightly and got into my truck before making my way to her house.

"Aww look at you, looking all good and shit."

I smiled as I leaned down to wrap my arms around her. "Don't I always."

"How've you been Nic?" I asked as I let her go and backed up to let my eyes look her up and down.

She looked gorgeous as fuck. But what's new?

She shrugged and bit down on her bottom lip

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She shrugged and bit down on her bottom lip. "I've been alright. Keeping myself busy."

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah same."

Ever since things went down the way that they did, I made it my mission to keep in contact with her. You know just to make sure that she was truly ok.

"Well come on, no sense in us just standing out here staring at each other. We have a very hype birthday girl to get to."

Nicki giggled letting me walk her over to my car.

"I've missed my little Ro bear so much."

"Trust me she's missed you too."

I'm happy Nicki and I still keep in touch from time to time. So the last time we talked she asked about Ro and what Camila and I were doing for her birthday. And well things were going in a different direction then but now Camila decided to just throw her a huge party at her house instead of Disney. So I took it upon myself to invite Nicki.

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