Trying to be JUST friends.... Is harder than I imagined [49]

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I'm soooo stressed guys! I have two more finals to finish up next week and then I'm done! I've passed every single on of them with an A...I hope I can continue this streak😭😭 pray for me plsssss

Enjoy this long chapter😉


The next day

Camila's POV.

"Are you crazy?!"


I woke up this morning feeling better today and I decided to call up my girls and have an actual sit down since it's been so long since we've been able to all catch up and since they are no longer angry with me it's the perfect time. Right now I'm catching them up on everything that's been goin on and what's happening between Y/N and I. Which leads me to here, getting yelled at by Dinah.

"You've been wanting this chance to be back with Y/N, and then when you actually get it YOU DONT TAKE IT!"

I rolled my eyes as I picked over my salad. "Oh please Dinah. I love Y/N, but we both know that it wouldn't be healthy to jump right back into another relationship. It would be too toxic and if we really want things to work out then this is how it has to be."

"That's ok mila I understand what you're saying." Ally added as she rubbed my arm. "Things like this take time, and you can't rush it especially after everything you two have been through. You both need time to heal."

"Yeah don't listen to Dinah. If you feel like you guys aren't ready, then take your time until you know for sure you're ready." Mani said and I smiled at her slightly.

"I just hate how things are already becoming so-I don't know awkward between us. Like I don't even know what to do or say around her anymore."

"How did Y/N react?"

"She says she understands and that she's not mad at me but I could tell she was hurt. That's the last thing I wanted was to hurt her feelings. I mean she stayed away for about a day."

"Look at this way Camila. How many times has she hurt you? I love Y/N but you have to think about yourself right now. You need time and if she doesn't get it then oh well. You've been through enough."

Ally was right. But it's so much harder than it seems, because I'm in love with her but I don't know if just that'll do anymore.

"If I know Y/N, then I know she will respect your decision." Mani smiled.

"I know she will. So I told her I think we should just start off as friends for now you know. At least until I fell like I can trust her and even myself that we could work through anything."

Dinah chuckled. "Really mila, what happened the last time you two were just "friends" huh?"

"Yes I know D, but this is how it has to be. Trust me it'll be extremely hard for me but it has to be done. I can't just give into her that easily, especially after she hits got out of a relationship. I don't want to feel like any one's second choice."

"You can if you love them enough."

"Dinah stop it please..Listen Camila we understand you. Just don't get yourself hurt in the process." Ally said

"That's all I'm trying to say Ally." Dinah shrugged before turning to me. "How much would it hurt you if you saw Y/N with someone else? Again? Especially after she's told you that she wants you."

Y/N knows that I love her. All I want is a little more time, I'm sure we can make this work.

"Dinah, it goes both ways. If Y/N wants her back then she has to respect her decision and respect her as a person." Ally said

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