Royalty [20]

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You guyssss I really wanna just thank you all so much for the support. I read through as many messages and comments as I can, and I can't believe how sweet you all are. Too good to me😭wayyy too good to me🥰😘💖❤️💕💞💜💘

Sorry for the wait...enjoy this small update😚


The next day

After leaving India's place yesterday I decided to take Ro out, just me and her. It was like old times, you know before Camila came back into the picture. I took her skating and then out for ice cream. We always did stuff like that, and I think we need to start back. Royalty seemed like she enjoyed herself and that's all I wanted.

I woke up feeling good this morning. Mainly about how good things went last night with Royalty. She's my baby and I love her to death. I hate to see her sad.

I felt a small kick come in contact with my chin and I flinched back. "Ouch! Damnit!" I yelled holding onto my face. "Ro." I said quietly trying to wake her up but not wanting to scare her.

I sighed sitting up running my hand through my hair.

"Baby girl, come on time to wake up." I rubbed her back.

She slowly sat up with her eyes half closed, giving me a blank stare. I pouted at her running my hands through her thick curly hair.

"Hi sleeping beauty did you sleep well." I laughed when all she did was wrap her tiny arms around my neck hugging me to her.

"Aww what's the matter Pooh?" I asked as I rubbed her back. She only held in tighter and I could feel her body start to shake. " Babygirl what's the matter, huh why are you crying?"

I pulled back some getting a look at her face. Which was already red and puffy.

She shook her head while wiping her eyes. "I not want you to weave me momma." Her lip started to quiver and I pulled her back into my arms.

"Awww Ro." I said softly as I started to rock her trying my best to calm her down.

I swear I wanted to break down right then and there. Why would she think I would leave her. She is way to damn young to be feeling this type of pain. Thinking that I would just up and leave her, that shouldn't even be on her mind.

"Baby listen to momma, ok. I will never ever leave you. I love you more than anything in this world. Momma isn't going anywhere, ever. You never have to be afraid ok baby?"

She sniffed rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands. "B-but what 'bout mommy? Her weft me."

This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. With Camila not being here I figured it would take a toll on her but I was hoping that I could take her mind off it.

I shook my head. "No baby girl. Mommy didn't leave you, she's just going through some things right now, and she needs time to get better."

"Her sick momma?" The look of worry crossed her eyes.

"Um yeah something like that."

She just nodded turning her face from me. I stood up holding her in my arms.

"But you don't need to be worried about a thing ok."

"K momma."

I smiled at her placing a kiss on her forehead."Now why don't we stop crying and be a big girl or your gonna make momma sad." I said with a pout.

She smiled her big, contagious smile. "Yes momma I a big girl, you no be sad. I be good!"

I kissed her cheek. "That's my girl."

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now