Start to Finish.. [78]

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Hope you guys enjoy... 🥺

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Camila's POV.

I waddled out of the double glass doors holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses in my hands. Y/N was sitting by the pool dipping her feet in the water as she scrolled through her phone. I walked over to her humming to the soft music we had going in the back.

"Here you go baby." I was now 8 months pregnant and ready to pop.

"Thank you." She said taking the champagne and glass from my hands.

I nodded laying my head on her shoulder. "So, are you going back to the hospital today?"

Y/N took a deep breath as she brought her knee up to her chest. "Umm yeah, I'm gonna go and pick up the twins from her sisters."

"Ok, but how is India doing?" I laid my head on her shoulder as I played with the small hairs on the back of her neck.

The look on her face told me she didn't wanna talk about it. When she walked into the house late last night, she had blood shot eyes telling me that had been crying.

I didn't know how bad things were with India and I didn't want to bother her at the moment. But today, she's been so quiet and distant I figured I had to ask.

Clearing her throat she shrugged. "Uh I really don't wanna talk about it now Mila."

She was shutting down.

It's something that she does when things start to get too hard. As long as I've known her if something was too much, and she felt overwhelmed the only thing she was comfortable with doing was shutting down.

"Baby, I don't want you carrying all this around on you. I'm here, whenever you're ready to talk no matter what it's about."

Y/N then looked over at me with tears in her eyes. It nearly broke my damn heart.

"Camila. Things are looking bad, and-I don't know what's gonna happen. But, my kids they may have to come with me." She nodded frustratedly.

I stared at her with concern, I wasn't too sure what to say. Usually she's always the strong one for me.

"Hey, Y/N look at me." I whispered softly grabbing her chin. "Whatever has to happen will just happen. But don't get there before we have to ok baby? We have to keep thinking positive."

Y/N sniffed and groaned. "Ughh I fucking hate this shit! Things have been going great with us and we're finally having our baby boy together. Now, with india sick I don't know what I'm doing. I feel like karma just keeps coming back to kick my damn ass! So I understand if you don't wanna stay with me, I wouldn't blame you."

I let my eyes wonder with hers. Trying to search for anything, maybe even a clue as to why she would be talking like this. I would never leave her, no matter the circumstances. Especially within times like these.

"Baby, you listen to me." I said as I wrapped my arm around her neck. "We've literally been through it all together. Yes, we're in a great place and I'd love for us to stay that way. But if you think for a second that I'm gonna leave you because of something that's out of your control, then you really don't know me at all."

Y/N shook her head and stared to say something. But before she could, her phone rang in her pocket.

Just by the look on her face, I could tell that it wasn't good news.

"Baby.. what's wrong?"

She shook her head and stood up. "Uhh apparently India is getting worse. They need me down at the hospital now."

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