The New Begining? [77]

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Y/N's POV.

"Camila! Y/N look here!"

We stood in front of the backdrop smiling and posing for everyone taking pictures.

I picked up Royalty, holding her on my hip. She was so happy, literally smiling from ear to ear and waving at everyone.

It was the cutest thing. Camila had her dressed in a pink and blue dress with her hair pulled up in a long ponytail down her back, topped with a pink and blue bow of course.

As we stood side by side, my arms around Camila. I couldn't help but take in all her beauty. She was dressed in a cream colored sundress and fuzzy sandals.

She was in such a bad mood this morning because her feet were too swollen for all of her shoes.

"Baby, you look so beautiful." I whispered down into her ear.

Frowing, she looked up at me and shrugged. "You don't have to lie to me Y/N. I know I look like a fat sumo wrestler right now."

I let out a chuckle and hugged her to me with my feee arm. "No you don't. Hey Ro, tell mommy how pretty she looks."

Royalty stopped playing with her dress and looked at me. "Yes mommy! You look be-utiful!"

Camila and I both laughed and Camila reached up and I bent down some. "Aww thank you my baby, I know you mean it." She said glaring at me.

I shook my head at her sudden change in mood as I helped her over to her seat. Normani, Ally, and Dinah were all sitting over there with her.

"Baby, I'll just be over here with the guys, ok?"

Camila just waved me off so I took that as an ok. I knew she was just tied and aggravated right now. She's already stressed that to me plenty of times this morning.

"Dude, you excited to find out what you're having?" Travis asked with a smile.

I nodded and smiled. "Of course. Just trying to calm my nerves."

"You shouldn't be nervous, this is about to be your twelfth kid." Justin said while laughing.

Literally no one else laughed.

I brought my hand up to smack the back of his head. "Ha ha shut the fuck up."

"Man stop putting your damn hands on me!"

"Stop talking shit all the time." I mumbled jumping at him.

Josh stood by me and laughed. "Look, regardless of his dumb ass. I'm happy for you man."

I eyed him before shaking his hand.

"Thanks man."

We all stood around talking and laughing, I went off to greet some family and more friends with Camila. Ro was bouncing up and down with her little cousins, and Sofia playing with bubbles.

It was just so much going on. But I was just glad that everyone was getting along.

"Hey, so sorry I'm a little late."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and heads turned towards the entrance.

I watched Camila to see her reaction.

"Oh Lauren! Happy you could make it." She said as she slowly raised up from her chair.

Lauren smiled abs rushed over to her helping her sit back down.

The girls looked back at me and I raised my hands up shrugging. I had no idea what was going on right now, so I'm just as lost as they are.

Why was she here? Who invited her?

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