A little more lovin' [70]

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A few weeks later

"Hey Ro, come here for a sec baby!"

Soon, I head the sound of small feet tapping my way. "Yes momma?"

I pointed over to the corner as I held both Reign and Royce in my arms. "Can you hand me those pull ups babygirl?"

Royalty looked over at me and nodded before skipping over to the bag and grabbing what I needed, dragging it to me. "Here you go momma."

"Thanks baby."


I nodded as I changed the twins and pulled on their swim clothes. "Yeah sweetheart?"

"Is mommy coming back today?"

Camila has been gone all damn day. She said it was to work on her album but I half believed that shit. She thinks I don't know she's been texting with some dude but I know.

I also know she's been seeing him. It's aggravating as hell, and I've tried plenty of times to sit down and talk to her. But she's just not having it.

We've been down this road before and all I want is for us to be happy, together. That's it, I love her and I realize I fucked up. But that's why I want a chance to fix things.

"How about we call her?" I suggested and Ro smiled jumping up and down.

"Yes momma! Call mommy so I can say hi!"

I pushed Camila's contact to FaceTime her, she didn't answer the first time so I had to call her again. After the third ring she finally picked up. She had this annoyed look on her face until she saw Royalty's face.

"Hi mommy!"

Camila smiled and waved. "Aw hi baby, mommy misses you."

Ro smiled and looked over at me. "I miss you mommy! Reign and Royce are here too!"

"Wow they are?"

"Mmmhm, and-we are gonna go swimming!"

I chuckled listening to the two of them go back and forth. The conversation was so cute and I love watching how excited Royalty gets by just talking to Camila.

Once they were done, Ro went over to the twins to play with them while I finished talking to Camila.

"So umm there something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

She rolled her eyes at me and looked back to whatever she was doing. "Y/N I'm in the middle of something right now. Can this wait?"

I shook my head. "You're doing it again Camila, I thought we were better than this."

"Doing what Y/N, what are you even talking about?"

Biting my tongue to keep from saying anything I would regret, I shook my head. "Look Camila. I know you're doing whatever you feel you need to do to punish me. But-" I stopped talking when I heard her start laughing.

I frowned and shrugged. "Ok, what's so funny?"

"Y/N, everything doesn't revolve around you. I moved on because that's what I felt I needed to do. You left me no choice."

"I left you no choice!" I cleared my throat and quickly lowered my voice reminding myself that I had all three of my babies here with me. "Camila, now how could you say that? I begged and begged for you to give me another chance."

"And? You think that automatically makes shit between us better? Just because you beg for forgiveness. You didn't necessarily show me that you deserved anything now did you?"

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now