Early morning conversations/She's back [25]

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Y/N's POV.

12:34 am. My phone read as I clicked it off and turned my attention back to the stove.

"Here you go." I said as I put a cup of hot tea in front of her. Camila and I have been up taking for about an hour now. Not talking too much,more of me trying to understand that this was real.

"T-Thanks." She whispered her voice came out much deeper than usual. She took a small sip before placing it back on the counter keeping her hands tightly around it.

I nodded as I stood in front of her with my body leaning up against the counter. I couldn't stop looking at her. How she had these big, dark shades on and these baggy clothes. As my eyes glanced over her I could see that she was kinda uncomfortable. Just by the way she sat.

Sitting in the quiet we both continued to steal glances at each other. Well more like she was glancing at me since I was still watching her carefully.

"You ok?" I said finally speaking up. I don't really trust myself to say much, because I didn't want to ruin this moment. We're actually not arguing right now and I'm trying to keep it that way.

She glanced up at me and back down. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Not taking my eyes off of her I focused on her face, going down to her swollen looking lips. Something was off and I knew. But her and these dark shades were bothering me.

I tapped my fingers on the counter patiently. "What's up with the dark shades Camila?"

"I don't know. Just felt like wearing them." She whispered as her shoulders moved up and down.

I'm sure she knew I didn't believe that. "Ha yeah, you do realize it's night out right? There's no need for shades at night."

"Well I-i see better with them at night." She shrugged and I smacked my lips.

"Stop lying to me Camila." I spoke as calmly as I could. I reached up to grab them off her face but she moved her head back. "So he put his hands on you, am I right?"

She didn't say a thing. But what she did surprised me. Her bottom lip pouted out and she made this loud noise before making her body go limp on the counter. She broke down. Completely in tears. She was now sobbing louder than I have ever heard before.

I'm not gonna lie it hurt me and terrified me to see her like this. So vulnerable and so open. Seeing her like this brought all those bad memories back from our relationship. How much she cried because of me. How much I hurt her.

I walked around the counter slowly lifting her up by her elbows and bringing her into my arms. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around me and gripped my arms tightly as she shook and cried into my shirt.

"I'm so tired of hurting Y/N! I've been in pain for so long, and I-I just can't take it anymore! I had to leave, and I-I wish I would have just left with you." she shook her head as he breathing became heavy.

"Camila-" I reached back for her shades this time successfully taking them off. "Oh my god." I said as I saw what she was hiding. Black dark marks around both eyes. Along with bruises and cuts on both sides. I shook my head and pulled her back into me. I took a deep breath closing my eyes, I could feel her body start to shake and my shirt was getting drenched with tears but I don't care.

She pushed away from my chest and stared up at me as she continued to cry. "I'm so so sorry Y/N. I know I hurt you, damnit I hurt our daughter! I'm so sorry, I hate that I caused the both of you pain! I'm sorry, please forgive me! Please Y/N!" With every word she used her small fist to hit my chest.

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