The truth behind all the lies.. [58]

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Ummm I just found out that this story was nominated for Watty's😩you guys don't know how much this truly means to me..I work really hard perfecting my writing for you guys. I do my best😭

Thx so much to everyone who reads and votes. I luv you guys so much and I am forever grateful for the true love that you all share❤️

Anywhoooo it's been too long since I've updated😬enjoy this chapter!

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Y/N's POV. {1 week later}

I walked through the large abandoned building in a fast paced. With my fist balled up ready for anything. I was at home when I got a call from the guys letting me know that they got who I was looking for.

"Bro we're in here." Justin said nodding his head towards the door and I followed behind him. I walked into the cold room to see Rosa tied up to the chair along with her two dumbass sidekicks ok each side of her. Blood was rushing down their faces, they were stripped of their clothes. I could see the boys had a head start.

When I laid my eyes on them I couldn't help but chuckle. These motherfuckers really tried to play me! They really fucked up by laying a finger on my child.

"Look what the fuck we got here.. I see y'all started without me." I said looking around to Justin, Travis and Josh.

"Y/N they was talking too much shit. We had to shut them up."

"Yeah. I had to get my good hits in." Justin said seriously as he swung the bat around in his hand.

"It's cool. Just glad y'all didn't kill em'.. I want to do that." I said lowly as I stated to walk around them.

I let out a chuckle as I watched them each squirm. "So are y'all really the reason behind all this?"

I pointed my finger at Alex. "You. You stupid bitch just didn't learn you lesson the first time huh?"

"I ain't did shit! Now let me go!"

I chuckled before bringing my gun up to his face pistol-whipping him as hard as I could. "Shut the fuck up pussy!"

"Y-Y/N man come on you know me. Don't do this please." Drew's bitch ass cried out making me laugh.

"Did I ask you to speak? Huh, did I fucking ask you to say a word to me?!"

He shook his head quickly trying to dodge my fist that were coming straight at his face.

"Speak when spoken to!"

I paced back and forth rubbing the tip of the gun to my head.

The room was now filled with the sound of loud cries. I looked up from the floor to see Rosa turned around in the corner.

"Yo imma only ask this once Rosa! What the hell have you and your dirty ass niece been trying to do to my daughter?!"

Pissed wasn't even close to the word to describe how mad I was right now.

"Somebody better start speaking before I start shooting in this bitch." I mumbled as calmly as I could.

She sat there shaking with fear as I stood over her. I guess I need to first let you all know how we even fit to this point. So let me rewind...

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now