Nights like this. [72]

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Things have been wonderful between Camila and I. No arguing, no fighting, or nothing. We've been better than we ever been to be honest.

Sure we're a working progress, but I liked where things are headed. I know it's only been a few weeks but it's safe to say, things are good.

We actually try and talk thing out before just walking away. I make sure to never let her go to bed upset, no matter how big or little the misunderstanding is. Because now I know how that misunderstanding can turn into something so much more. I'm not trynna lose my family again.

Royalty's been real happy too, it's definitely true what they say. How we act and treat each other, does have a huge affect on how our child reacts.

Tonight, we decided to go out. Since it's been forever ago since we've been anywhere with our friends and just socialized together, we couldn't turn it down.

I stood holding Camila in my arms as I looked around the room. Everyone was enjoying themselves right now.

Nobody was arguing or fighting, we were all just enjoying each other's company, its really nice. Just what I needed, my mind has been going crazy since that talk I had with India about Reign.

Standing in V.I.P I saw plenty of people staring but one caught my eye. She smiled and I gave her a quick nod. It was nothing major, she was staring so I acknowledged her.

Camila's head turns my way quickly as she looked up at me

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Camila's head turns my way quickly as she looked up at me. I smiled down at her trying to kiss her and she moved.

"What's up babe?" I frowned not knowing what I did.

"What was that?"

I raised my eyebrow "Huh, what was what?"

She glared up at me as her arms tightened around me. "Don't you play with me Y/N. Who was that you just nodded at?"

I chuckled but stopped when I noticed the hard stare she was giving me. "I don't know."

"Yeah ok Y/N." She said with an attitude before turning away from me.

"Yoooo I know you not really mad at me right now are you?"

She shrugged me off. "Nope I'm good, but I'm about to go get me a drink."

I watched her walk away when I felt a arm on my shoulder and I turned to see Justin standing there with a bottle in his hand.

"Damn bro , what was all that about?" He asked nodding in the direction Camila walked in.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now