Just me and you [75]

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|Five months later|

"Alright Y/N stay like that!"

"Perfect! Keep that face Y/N!"

I continued to model different poses into the camera while my team stepped in fixing my hair and clothes

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I continued to model different poses into the camera while my team stepped in fixing my hair and clothes.

After doing different things they asked me to, and 3 outfit changes it was over and I could finally relax. I've done so many of these damn things but shit, I still get nervous.

I jogged over to the couch where Camila was sitting.

"Babe you did so good, and you looked extremely sexy out there."

I smiled and pulled her closer to me. "Thank you baby, I know you're tired and ready to go."

Camila sighed and wrapped her arms around my body.

She wanted to come along with me to the shoot but I know now that she should have stayed home and gotten some rest.

I kissed her lips and stood up slowly. "Alright baby, I'm about to go change them we can go."


As I turned to walk back into my dressing room i came face to face with someone I hadn't seen in so long.

"Vanessa, what's up girl." I smiled as I walked over to her.

She smiled and went to give me a hug. "Y/N I missed you."

I hugged her back for a minute before letting her go. "I missed you too. It's been a while."

"I know right, and now here we are getting ready to do a photoshoot together."

When she said that I frowned and turned my head at her. I wasn't aware of us having to do anything together.

"Wait huh?"

Instead of answering me, Vanessa grabbed my hand and pulled me with her into the back. I glanced back at Camila to see her sitting with her hands rested on her chin.

Her eyes squinting at me and shit, I knew I would hear about this later on.

"Y/N your clothes are in your room already."

"Hey, could you seriously tell me how this joint photoshoot came about?"

She shrugged and looked away from my stare. "Umm well to be honest, I kinda requested you."


I nodded slowly and placed my hands on my hips.

"I-Im sorry, I should have probably asked you first. But it's just that we haven't talked in a while and I thought this would be something nice for us to do. You know, the fans are gonna love it. But if you don't feel comfortable then-"

"Vanessa hold on, it's all good it's fine. I don't mind doing the shoot with you. Besides, I now feel honored that you chose me out of some hot Victoria secret model."

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now