Too hard [68]

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One month later

Camila's POV.

"Camila. You've been working yourself way too hard lately."

I looked towards the door to see my mom standing there with a cup and a plate in her hands

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I looked towards the door to see my mom standing there with a cup and a plate in her hands.

After celebrating Royalty's birthday and trying to stay clear of her other parent as much as possible. I just completely through myself into my work. Music honestly always makes me feel better, and more at ease. Lately I have been so backed up with emotions that I don't know what to do or how to feel.

"I'm fine mom, thank you." I spoke softly as I took the things from her hands.

She stared at me for a minute before sighing and taking a seat beside me. "Why won't you just take a break."

This was something I have been hearing for the past couple of weeks.

"There's not time for a break mom. I have to get this album down."

"Ok, and why do you have to get it done right now? You do still have a child to look after and your own health. So I feel that the music and album can wait a little bit."

I sighed and looked over at her. She wore a concerning look on her face and I knew she was serious.

"Alright, I'll take a break for bit."

She smiled and nodded. "Good, now stop and eat your food before it gets cold."

I rolled my eyes slightly and grabbed the plate of food.

After finishing up in the studio, I decided to go out to the store with Royalty. I needed to pick up a few things and I wanted to grand my baby some new toys.

As I walked through the store Royalty would just point at random things, and I would put it in the basket. Just now she had pointed to a princess toy on a high shelf, so me being me. I decided to step up and get it myself. As I tried to climb down from the shelf I think I stepped down to far and I went flying back into someone.

"Oh my gosh excuse me!" I gasped as I backed away from the person.

I heard a deep chuckle and I looked up slowly meeting eyes with an unknown set of blue eyes.


I smiled lightly as I pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Hey."

"I'm Lucas."


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