Let it go, because I don't have your heart. [46]

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In honor of my hubby's 30th birthday!! Here's an update😁💓

I sighed as I stood in front of her stopping her from walking out. "What's going on Nic? What did I do?"

She turned her head up at me. "What we had was so special Y/N. I'll always love you. But I know we just weren't meant to be together."

I stood there with a confused look on my face as I tried to grasp what she was saying.

"You don't really want me, I'm not who you want to be with. You already have a soulmate, and that is Camila." She continued.

I shook my head grabbing her into my arms. "W-What, baby no I-I promise you that I love you. I-I love you, I-I'm in love with you! You have to believe me please!"

She shook her head chuckling softly. "Aww baby. Why can't you just admit that you are in love with that woman." She stared up at me with a small smile as she let her fingers comb through my curls.

"Well...because I'm not."

Her laugh echoed through my ears making me frown at her. "You are. I can tell she's still very much in love with you." She said while playing with my shirt.

I grabbed her wrist. "Baby. Where is all this coming from, w-why you being like this?"

"Your heart still belongs to Camila and that's ok. It only means that I need to step out of the way and let you go be happy"

I grabbed ahold of her hand as she slowly caressed my face. "B-but I am happy. Here with you." She gave me a small smile.

"Truly happy Y/N. You need to be truly happy and-that just happens to not be with me." She shrugged.

"Nika, is it something that I did?" I asked feeling my eyes start to water. "Because whatever it is I apologize-"

"You're apologizing for nothing babe, because you didn't do a damn thing wrong." She said before removing her hand from mine. "This isn't what you want Y/N. So I'm not going to hold you back from what you really want any longer." I watched wide eyed as she slowly took the ring off and sat it in my opened hand.

"I hope you two have a happy life together." She said lowly placing her hand on my face. She placed a small kiss there before looking up at me.

"Nicki, I don't-" I stopped letting out a low sigh. "I never wanted to hurt you I swear it."

She shrugged as she smiled up at me. "Oh come on, you know ya girl ain't gone stay down for long. I'll be just fine honey."

Shaking my head I stared down into her eyes most truly mesmerized by her. "Why are you so amazing."

"Just promise me that you'll do right by her. Don't hurt her anymore than she's already been."

I stayed quiet staring at her. I honestly didn't know what to say.

"I love you Y/N. You deserve all the happiness in the world. So go be happy."

She smacked my cheek softly letting me go completely.

I had no words as I watched her walk away from me.


The flight back home seemed like an eternity. I laid silently in my room, surrounded by my thoughts. All the memories coming back to me at once.

I played with the ring I had given Nicki in my fingers.

It sure is funny how fast things can change. I mean a week ago I was laying on this bed with Nicki in my arms. Now I'm leaning back alone.

But I knew she was right. I had been spending so much time trying to forget my feelings or get over them by denying them.

I don't think I can do that much longer.

I walked into my house to see Camila watching Grey's Anatomy cuddled up on the couch.


She turned to me before turning back around.

"Um hey Y/N. I wasn't expecting you to be back till tomorrow."

I just stared at her not knowing if I should say anything.

"So, um how was the trip?"



Working on updating different books and even some NEW ones!!

Hope you guys enjoyed😁✨


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