I'm trying [66]

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This book won't be going on forever.🥱


"Momma I- I miss you!" Ro whined as she stuck her face right into the screen.

"I know baby, I miss you too." I sighed deeply looking at Royalty through the phone.

She pouted. "When are you coming here momma?"

I sighed and took in my surroundings.

We were on a jet back home. By we, I mean me and the twins, and of course the girls are with us.

"Soon Ro. Real soon." I spoke putting my attention back on her. She pouted more and whined a bit. "Aw baby don't pout, I promise momma is gonna see you soon ok, I'm coming."

She nodded slowly but I could obviously still tell that she was upset.

"Hey, what's the special day tomorrow?"

Royalty sat with a frown on her face and it slowly turned into confusion which then turned into a big grin.

"My birthday!"

"That's right sweetheart it's your birthday tomorrow princess." I smiled at her as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Now, why don't you get your beauty sleep cause remember all princess need them. Especially you, for your big day tomorrow."

She smiled big and bounced around. "Ok momma!"

"Good, let me talk to your mommy, ok."

She nodded quickly. "I love you Royalty."

"Love you momma!" She blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch at making her giggle. "You are silly momma."

I chuckled at her. "No you're the silly one princess."

Soon I was faced with a unhappy looking Camila.

"Hey." I said with a hopeful voice.

"So, you wanted to talk, is it about Royalty's party?"

I inhaled deeply. She's really just gonna act like nothing is wrong here, like we don't have a fucking problem?

"Look. I don't expect you to just forgive me Camila, but really? Taking my child away from me."

I can't lie. I'm very pissed about waking to them being gone. It's not something that I expected to happen.

If I'm being honest. I don't know what I expected to happen the next day. Just not that.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please Y/N don't be so dramatic. I didn't take her away from you. You know exactly where she is, so if you choose not to come and see her, that's your problem not mine."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I get that you're pissed at me. But like I said, you didn't need to just up and leave like that. Whatever happened to communication, and working things out?"

"Oh, whatever happened to keep your dick in your pants and not going behind my back to fuck your best friend?!" Her voice grew louder and I knew she was getting more upset.

I nodded slowly. "Alright Camila. You win."

Camila scuffed. "I win? Y/N do you think this is some sort of game we're playing. Things were just starting to get back on the right track and then fucked them up, all because I wouldn't put out when you wanted me to!"

I just stared at her through the phone trying to make sense of everything.

"You know what I-"


OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now