My two favorite girls and the unknown. [28]

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"Alright Ro what you wanna eat?"

We sat in a booth in a closed off, private area waiting for Nicki to come. I called her and she told me she was on her way.

I still feel like she's holding something back from me. Every time we have a conversation its all in her voice and I know she's not telling me everything. But hopefully I can figure that out today.

"Hmmm I wan cakes momma!"

I raised my eyebrow up at her.  "Pancakes? Baby it's after 1 o'clock, it's lunch time."

"But pwease momma. Can I have cakes?" She pouted up at me with her lips poked out and her eyes big.

How could I say no to that face. "Alright baby sure. We'll get you some pancakes."

"Yay!" She cheesed up at me brushing a curl out of her face.

I felt my phone vibrate and I checked it to see that it was Rosa.


Y/N I just got a call for  opportunity for you with a modeling agency and they want to work with you. I also have more details on your clothing line.💕

I smiled reading the text. Rosa is super good at what she does it's no denying that, that's why she hasn't went anywhere. I replied back with a quick ok, we'll talk later and put my phone away.

The last thing I wanted to worry about right now is business. I just wanted to chill with my daughter and girlfriend with no distractions.

"Look at me momma! Look what I did!" Royalty yelled happily as she held up something that she had colored.

"Aw Ro that's so pretty baby."

"Tank you momma." She cheesed before going back to her book.

"Hi I'm Lizzie, I'll be your waitress today. Have you guys found everything?"

I looked up to see a woman standing over me with a bright smile on her face.

"Uh yeah but I'm waiting on a friend so not yet."

"Oh. well you know I'm a huge fan of yours actually. Mind if I have an autograph." She said softly as she ran her hand up and down my arm slowly.

I pushed her hand away from me looking at her like she was crazy.

"Hey, back up now and don't touch me."

She shrugged with that stupid smirk never leaving her face. "Aren't you single. So what's the problem?"

I pushed her hand away for the second time this time getting pissed. "Girl I don't know you, and I said get the hell away from me-"

"N-No touch my momma!" Royalty yelled as she stood up while pointing her little finger at the girl. That's my girl, I know I can always count on her to have my back.

The girl smiled as she bent down putting her hands on my knees to face Royalty. "Aww how cute. I see your very protective of your momma huh?"

Before I could say anything I heard a voice come from behind me.

"Excuse me."

I looked up and saw Nicki walking in with her guards around her. "What's going on here, is there a problem?"

 "What's going on here, is there a problem?"

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