No more [40]

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If you guys can't tell by now this book is going to be wayyyyy longer than the first😭💕

Camila's POV.

"I can't be here with you anymore Alex."

I laid down on the bed as he sat on the edge with his back to me

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I laid down on the bed as he sat on the edge with his back to me.

"I-I have to stop this." I said while shaking my head. "It's been going on long enough and you promised to leave me alone after the first time."

I know what you guys are probably thinking. And yes. Yes I've still been secretly talking to Alex. But it's not because I want to at all. It's because he's threatened me so many times that if I leave, nothing good will come out of it. Let's just say I'm trying to protect Y/N and our daughter.

So I came over here last night after him sending me a ton of threats. Telling me that he was watching me, and Royalty and that if I didn't come back to him. He'd hurt her. When I got to his house I explained to him that I wasn't dealing with him anymore and that I would get the authority's involved if I had to. Then he beat me. Badly. Forcing me to stay with him. But today when I woke up. I realized that he doesn't love me at all and he never did. I'm done with him.

This has been going on for over 2 weeks now. He would send me some creepy text followed by a couple of threats and in no time I was back here. I know what you're probably thinking. Why haven't you told anyone..? Well that's a problem because I'm not willing to risk my daughters life for my own, he's showed me evidence of him watching her and Y/N. He even had eyes on my mom and Sofi, so I knew he wasn't playing around.

"The fuck you mean you can't be with me anymore!"

I slowly sat up on the bed placing my feet flat on the floor. My back was now facing him.

"M-my daughter is too important to me for me to continue this-"

"Fuck you and your daughter!"

"No! Fuck you Alex! I'm so sick and tired of putting up with your bullshit! I know you don't really love me, all you do is hurt me! Over and over again nothing's changed. And I can't take it anymore! I'm so through with you!" My breath was heavy and fast as I tried calming myself down.

"Yo!" He yelled as he stood up quickly pulling me to him by the back of my neck. "You better watch the way you fucking talk to me Camila! I swear to go I'll kill you right now!"

I swallowed as he backed me up against the wall.

Standing there he brought his hand up to rub my face slowly. He didn't say a word, just stared at me. I held my breath scared of what might happen if I made too much noise.

"You know what pisses me off the most?"he basically whispered.

I sniffed as I tried my best not to make eye contact with him. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him. "I said do you know what pisses my off the most Camila!"

"N-no no!" I yelled as I jumped back from him

"That you would actually try and take my daughter away from me."

"S-shes not your daughter Alex." He glared at me as his head turned to the side. "She's m-mine and Y/N's child-"

My head jerked to the side before I knew it. The sudden taste of blood and the feeling of my throbbing face hit me all at once. Sliding down the wall I quickly balled up.

"A-Alex stop it!" I yelled as I sat down on the floor with my hands held up in front of me.

I was doing everything I could to stop his hits.

"Why must you tempt me Camila! Huh?! I love your selfish ass! But all you think about is yourself, leaving me, keeping Royalty away from me! God damnit! I told you, either you give me back what I want or I'll hurt you and that pretty little daughter of yours! Do you really want me to do that! Huh?!"

My hands shook profusely as I held them out to shield my body. "Y-you told me that you would leave me alone if I came to you. You promised you would leave me and my family alone!"

He slapped my hands down roughly. "Well too damn bad!" He spat back in my face. "I lied babygirl, but only because I do love you and I want to make things right."

The way his tone changed in one sentence was really scary. Sad to say that I'm used to it now, but it never gets less scary.

I snatched my head back feeling his fingers run down my face.

"I will get what I want sugar, and the sooner you realize that the better. Because I'm not giving up on us."

"Y/N won't allow you to-"

His face frowned and I swear I could see steam coming from his ears.

"Oh yeah, where's your precious Y/N at now huh? She's not here to save you now!"

"I'll never be with you!"

Im so tired. I'm tired of letting him and everyone run over me. I'm tired of feeling like I don't have any type of voice. I'm tired of going through endless pain only for people  to lie to me and tell me how much they love me, and then I get hurt in the end. I'm so tired of settling for someone I know means me no good. It's way past time for me to get out of this relationship. It's time for me to take back my life.



I hope you guys enjoyed this small filler chapter :)

I will be updating again in a bit so be ready!!

Let me know what you think 💭

Things are about to start speeding up and I don't want anyone to be confused, so if you have any questions just ask🙃

Thanks so much for reading/voting🤠also sorry for any mistakes :(

{later today...!}

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