Why? [69]

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I jogged downstairs grabbing my keys before making sure I had everything. India called me early this morning asking to meet up.

Wasn't sure about what, she swore she couldn't tell me over the phone. I just really hope it's nothing bad because I can't take anything right now.

This whole thing between Camila and is stressing me out. She still won't talk to me for real, every time I call to talk to her or she just gives the phone to Ro, or hangs up. At this point, I'm not sure what to do, like I get it. I know I fucked up. But how am I supposed to get her to forgive me if she won't even speak to me.

I took a deep breath as I made it all the way down the steps and into the large kitchen. I grabbed me a protein bar and grabbed my keys before making my way out the door.

Once I got into my car, I put the directions into my gps. It took me about 30 minutes to get to the restaurant that India wanted to meet at.

I walked into the restaurant seeing India sitting with her back against me. "What's up beautiful?"

She jumped a bit but calmed down when she say it was me. "Y/N, what have I told you about sneaking up on me?"

I rolled my eyes and waved her off as I went to sit across from her

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I rolled my eyes and waved her off as I went to sit across from her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, you look good today."

India straight faced me and shook her head. "Mmmhm don't do that either."

"Man do what? Give my baby momma a complement?" I said with a wink.

She rolled her eyes. "Just be quiet, I ordered some food for you."

I nodded licked my lips playfully. "Aww thanks baby. You still know what I like."

Alright so I knew what I was doing. It it was just a little fun, not that big of a deal.

She dropped her head to the side and just stared at me. I already knew what she was thinking so I said nothing and stared back at her.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're finally here. There are some things that we need to talk about."

"Cool." I nodded, "What's up?"

She sighed and shrugged. "Well, first I need for you to get the twins next weekend. There's just some stuff I have to handle."

"Is that a question or?"


I shook my head and sat back. "What? You always act like you have to ask me to do something like that when you don't."

It doesn't make sense for her to say shit like that. She knows damn well I would never deny my kids, but it just seems like she's always doubting me.

"Alright Y/N stop being like that. You know that's not what I meant."

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now