The Dancing Flower

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Mariano remembered when he had first met the incredible Madrigal family.

His parents had befriended their parents when he had been studying abroad, and one thing had led to another. When he returned home they had been so excited for him to meet them all, especially the "beautiful Isabela".

From his parent's tone alone he could already tell that they hoped he would express an interest in the enchanting girl.


He also remembered their first meeting quite well, with his parents having nearly dragged him over to the so-called "angel", cooing about how delightful she was. And she WAS delightful; and quite lovely as well, with dark eyes and hair like a midnight waterfall. Her eyes grew brighter when she saw him, his... less so... but she certainly was something to look at.

She was pretty and sweet and caring, and just... perfect; everything his parents wanted for him...


As she whisked him off by the arm to most likely attempt to seduce him (he'd seen that look in her eye) he looked boredly off to the side and spotted HIM...

He was gorgeous, his gingery brown afro fell gently to one side of his face nearly covering one of his deep chocolate brown eyes, he wore a yellow poncho and was currently crouched within a surrounding group of kids, as he seemed to be speaking to them all.

He was breathtaking.

Bewitched, Mariano failed to turn his head as they passed the group, nearly breaking his neck in the process, which Isabela noticed.

She craned her head, following his gaze to the true angel here.

"That's my cousin." She said, in an attempt to regain his attention. "Oh..?" Was all Mariano could say at first. Then he pressed further. "What's his name?" He asked softly, eyes never leaving the other.

"Camilo." She replied curtly, clearly annoyed by how interested he seemed in the brunette. Huh. Camilo. Beautiful. Just like him...

A taller girl in a bright red skirt and bandana suddenly appeared next to him carrying supplies for the party. "If you could slow your heartbeat down just a little bit, that would be great. I can hear it from a mile away." She said with a wince.

Oh, right. The super hearing one. His parents had mentioned her.

"Uh, sorry... I'll try to do that." He said hastily. He'd simply glanced at the bandana girl for a moment, only to see that the breathtaking Madrigal had disappeared by the time he looked back in his direction.

Suddenly they were approached by Abuela, surrounded by a few children, Mariano having been introduced to her and Mirabel earlier at the party. Funny, she hadn't seemed like the most... nurturing type of person...

"So," the older woman began, features soft and slightly upturned, as if she was struggling not to laugh. "Are you going to be marring my granddaughter?"

As she said this Mariano choked on air, hoping that she was joking..!

Meanwhile Isabela squinted at the elderly woman, scrutinizing her grandmother intently.

When Abuela smiled widely in return Isabela's eyes widened. "Camilo..." she groaned softly, "stop trying to torture our guest." She complained, hands on her hips.

Meanwhile Mariano was rather confused at the flower girl's reaction, he would surely have noticed had her attractive cousin made his way over.

Suddenly, before his very eyes, Abuela changed, the guise falling off like water, revealing a brown eyed Camilo in its stead. The children laughed at his trickery before being shooed away by a frustrated Isabela.

He was a shapeshifter. A chameleon. A demon with the face of an angel...

Mariano had gasped lightly, eyes wide from both the shifting display and from finally being able to see this beautiful creature up close.

"What..? Everyone's thinking it!" The boy said mischievously, batting his eyelashes and fanning himself in an imitation of his floral cousin as he continued. "Isabela and her handsome new FIANCÉ." He said the last word dramatically, throwing his arm over his eyes.

Isabela only groaned, shoving him away and returning to her place on Mariano's arm, leading him away from the other.

Mariano was about to protest, if only to find some reason to continue speaking with the brunette
Madrigal. Then he felt a similar weight on his other arm and turned to see an Isabela on that side, identical to the one on the other side, blinking up at him innocently.

He grinned at the new not-Isabela, and she smiled back, but her smile was... different from the originals... more... joyful...

At one point the original floral Madrigal released him from her iron grip and conversation in order to speak to a family member, failing to notice her double. Mariano quickly jumped on the opportunity to escape, tugging the disguised Camilo onto the dance floor.

The other's eyes widened but soon narrowed determinedly at the challenge. They danced in the Center for a while; everyone cheering for who they thought were Mariano and Isabela, and the shifter was surprisingly good at the female role, moving his feet delicately in time with the beat as they swayed.

They danced a little ways away from the party, deeper into the hallways and living quarters of the house. Eventually, Camilo-Isabela giggled, shifting back to his normal state and stepping back.

"That was great!" He said, "I've never actually held a disguise for that long without being noticed!" He confessed, mirth twinkling in his eyes. "Yeah," Mariano grinned, the other's joy infectious, "everyone seemed pretty convinced back there."

They both looked at each other once more and burst out laughing for no particular reason.

And that was when Mariano realized.

He was in love.

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now