Paw And Order

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Mariano ended up having to leave his escorts at the shop in the end; when, having selected his ring, and having shown it to them, none of them had wanted to leave the jewelry shop quite yet...

So instead he'd decided to head back to Casita himself, to practice his proposal, as well as to see his angel; happily leaving the starry-eyed girls, with Agustin, to their fun...

Upon arrival, however, Mariano had hardly stepped foot back into Casita, the box with his selected ring safely tucked away within his breast pocket, before the tiles beneath his feet had begun moving him elsewhere.

He was taken down a few unfamiliar hallways, attempting to escape his tile transport multiple times along the way, which proved to be futile as any part of the floor that he stepped onto developed the same characteristic...

Finally they stopped, leaving him facing a shadowy room, quite possibly the darkest room that he'd yet to see within the magical house's walls.

Then, before he could protest, he was pushed inside, landing on a chair of sorts as he stumbled through the doorway, the door shutting loudly behind him as if to remind him that there was no escape...

Soon enough his eyes adjust to the dim sunlight trickling through the blinds, also muted by the overcast clouds that mirrored his shifter's mother's current unpleasant mood, as Mariano could still hear her shouting somewhere...

With the limited lighting available to him Mariano was able to make out the table that sat before him, and directly across from him, a reasonable distance away, sat a second chair.

"You come here, on the night my jaguar is to be married..." A voice rings out from the other chair opposite to the desk, currently facing away from him as a candle spotlight is cast directly onto it.

Wait... he knew that voice...

The chair rotated to reveal, as expected, his chameleon's younger brother; Antonio, leisurely petting an armadillo as another voice broke out of the shadows.

"Antonio! That wasn't your line!? Who taught you to say that mijo?" Felix questioned, stepping from the darkness behind the chair as he did so.

"Camilo did!" Antonio said sweetly. "He said it made me sound more dangerous!" He exclaimed innocently as Felix raised his eyes upwards to the heavens.

It'll make anyone sound more dangerous, trust me." Felix said, looking down at the young boy holding the creature in the seat.

"You tell me if that brother of yours tells you anything else, kay?" Felix questioned this in a tender tone, sighing loudly when the small boy nodded, his smile wide.

Mariano observed this exchange silently, his disarray evident. Though when he opened his mouth to voice it he was interrupted as a third figure materialized from the gloom of the room.

"Honestly, I don't know what you two need me for..?" Julieta questioned as all three heads turned to face her. "It seems like the two of you already have things under control..." she smiled.

Mariano was most surprised by the healer's appearance, his confusion tripling at the sight of her emerging from the dark.

"But tia Julieta we need you to be the one who's super nice to the incarcerated felon." Antonio whined twisting to look over his chair at his aunt as the creature within his arms shifted.

"Therefore lulling them into a false sense of security in which they are more prone to divulge their secrets!" Antonio said all in one breath, grinning up at her happily.

For a moment they all simply stared, shocked at the extensive knowledge regarding federal crimes the child before them seemed to present, before Juileta broke the silence.

"Sooooo... I'm the good cop..?" The gentle triplet questioned, a soft smile gracing her delicate features, just as warm and comforting as one of her arepas.

"Exactly!" Antonio confirmed, nodding as he resumed his former sitting position in preparation for their interrogation.

Julieta turned to Felix for further insight, raising a brow at her nephew's instructions, to which the other man simply shrugged, shaking his head.

Mariano, rather than nervous, instead found himself speechless. Almost as if he had been placed into some kind of theatre act rather than facing the three jovial individuals before him.

"Alright... then without further ado, let's begin..." Felix started, leaning off of the back of Antonio's chair, that he had previously been resting on, as he said this.

Which was exactly when Mariano managed to find his voice. "Begin what..?!" He asked, a slightly anxious tone evident within his vocal pitch.

Calm down... he whispered internally... they love Camilo so they're not gonna murder you...

"Firstly; what are your intentions with mi hijo..?" Felix asked boldly, Casita's light being cast directly onto the male in question as this inquiry was made.

Mariano desperately tried to prevent his face from displaying his fear at this opening subject; though he could feel it coursing through his veins...

So this was going to be one of THOSE interrogations...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now