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So many people began speaking all at once that the room rapidly became a mess of sound and voices.

On one side was Mirabel and Isabela, who were currently squealing happily together over the news, Agustin congratulating Felix and Luisa speaking eagerly with Julieta, with Dolores covering her ears nearby.

Everyone was visibly excited, especially Camilo and Mariano who were smiling happily at one another, pressing into each other's sides as they sat next together.

Pepa, however, over all the commotion, somehow managed to raise her voice to be heard over all the clatter.

"Mami!" She screamed, an angry-looking new cloud gathering over the weather woman's head as she spoke, thundering ominously.

"I demand that you explain what is going on with my family THIS INSTANT!" Pepa snapped, leaving Abuela in shock at her daughter's outburst.

Abuela took a moment to breathe inhaling and exhaling slowly before beginning to explain her tale.

"Years ago I had asked Brunito to glance into the future; to ensure that the miracle would remain secure." She began, patiently explaining it all to the frustrated mother before her.

Pepa simply stood there, clutching Felix's hand for support, allowing her mother's words time to process within her before speaking out against them.

"He had seen Camilo and... Mariano..." she continued. "I hadn't wanted to tell them." She whispered, a hint of shame creeping into her tone as she spoke.

"Once I realized that my dear, sweet Isabela could also be paired with the handsome Mariano - who she seemed to demonstrate an affection for at the time - so as to actually bear children; to keep our legacy alive..." she trailed off, eyes averted.

"Wait a minute..." Pepa spoke, her expression initially unreadable. "You tried to jeopardize my baby's happiness? In order to please Isabela?!?" She hissed, eyes narrowed with rage.

"I... I'm not proud of my actions... I acted... selfishly..." Abuela relented, accepting her daughter's anger for what it was worth. "But that was before I realized that a compromise was possible."

The matriarchal Madrigal smiled softly at the slack-jawed couple in question, who were also taking this all in, the gesture almost apologetic...


"I asked Brunito to revisit that very same vision recently, however, THIS time he paid attention to the details." She continued, sending a mildly cutting glare towards the aforementioned triplet.

"There was a child within the vision who was receiving their gift. Your child." Abuela stated firmly, now addressing Camilo, and Mariano, specifically.

"Which is when I finally understood that Camilo could bear children for himself. Madrigal children." The elderly Madrigal ignored the scathing leer of Mariano and the damaged expression that the shifter currently wore.

"So that's why you let us be together... you just wanted me to..." Camilo trailed off, eyes full of tears at this newfound revelation.

Mariano pulled him close in comfort as Pepa took over the show, in her usual method of yelling and screaming at the opposition, however, this time Mariano approved.

"I played right into her hands, huh..?" Camilo asked softly from where he was curled into the older male's side dejectedly. "She wanted a baby, I gave her one..." he sighed bitterly.

Mariano hated to see his angel like this... he usually exuded endless amounts of joy, as opposed to now; as the chameleon was currently drowning in his feelings...

"Hey..!" Mariano said gently, attempting to snap the brunette out of his trance. "Who wanted to make this baby?" He asked sweetly, their faces close.

Camilo cast his eyes downwards as he responded, eyelids fluttering with unshed tears. "I did..." he whispered softly.

"No..." Mariano smiled comfortingly, pulling the other into his lap in a full hug. "WE did mi vida... we wanted this baby more than anyone else." He soothed, his words ringing with truth.

"And we will love them no matter what... Madrigal or not..." Mariano finished, clutching the brunette closer to himself as if he were about to fade away.

"Yeah..." Camilo pulled back just so in order to be able to speak to the other face to face. "We chose to have them... nobody else TOLD us to..." he smiled.

Dolores, who had been previously quiet, in order to avoid interrupting the pair in their moment, piped up at this statement. "Honestly it would have been kinda concerning if she had..." she said, humming slightly.

Camilo laughed lightly at this, hiccuping slightly as he did so, a large improvement in his lover's eyes from his previous demeanour...

"You know triplets are thought to be hereditary..." Mariano joked in an effort to clear the skies around his chameleon.

Camilo rolled his eyes at this, his eyelids lowered as he responded. "Don't push it." He smirked, equally as jesting as mariano chuckled at the other's feisty behaviour.

Pulling the shifter close once more as Pepa continued to scream angrily in the background...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now