Someone In My Bed

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Mariano swiftly made quick work of the rest of the shifter's clothes, leaving his gorgeous body on display for the older male.

Mariano leaned in for a second kiss, drawn in by the other's lidded gaze. He didn't need to be anyone else... this form... HIS form was perfect...

His lips sought out the other's and they met in a soft myriad of pleasure, with Mariano sliding one of his own legs between the other's in order to create a delicious friction exchange for them both.

And then, with a muffled cry against Mariano's lips, the shifter came, rocking his hips steadily against the other's thigh to ride out his release; Mariano finishing similarly not long after.

When they broke apart the chameleon was gasping and panted, eyes heavy with exhaustion after being held on the brink for so long...

Mariano then bundled the near-limp Madrigal against him under the covers in an effort to make them both more comfortable. They lay there, content, for a few moments before drifting off, the angelic boy still pressed firmly against him...

Mariano's eyes fluttered as he slowly awoke from sleep, blinking his eyes against the harsh light streaming in through the window.

His arms were curled gently around something but his hazy mind refused to think too deeply about it.

Then it shifted.

Mariano froze, eyes open in an instant, settling on the image before him.

Snuggled into the sheets and pillow next to him was a sleeping Camilo, the shifter's form was pressed lightly against his own as he slept, snoring softly.

Mariano's face melted into a sweet smile, his previously racing heart calming to a more manageable level at the realization of who was sharing his bed.

He sat up slightly in order to run his fingers through the other's auburn curls, shifting the blanket and rousing the other in the process.

Camilo's face scrunched up cutely at the introduction of the cold air against his still completely exposed skin, bundling himself deeper under the sheets, mumbling Spanish to himself in a frustrated tone.

As much as Mariano would have wanted to continue to lay there and simply observe the sleeping angel he knew would still have to face him once he woke...

With this in mind he gently nudged the other male, deciding sooner was better than later.

The shifter groaned lightly, sitting up on his side and drowsily rubbing his eyes. Those gorgeous brown eyes eventually opened themselves, widening drastically once he realized that last night had NOT in fact, been a dream.

Mildly disoriented, the first thought that sprung to the shapeshifter's mind was to scream.

Which, much to Mariano's horror, was exactly what he did.

"Shhh!! You'll wake the whole house!" Mariano exclaimed, quickly pressing a hand over the other's mouth to silence him.

At this the shifter's dark eyes turned sharp and dangerous as he pulled the hand away so that he could speak. "Oh, I'm sorry, would you prefer me to wake up, perfectly fine, with someone else IN MY BED?!?" He questioned, his tone dripping with anger.

"Technically it's my bed..." Mariano pointed out stupidly, earning a seething glare from the brunette.

If looks could kill...

Mariano had the decency to be quiet for a few moments following this exchange, giving the other a moment to process last night's... events and to clear his head enough to properly consider the situation.

Finally Camilo simply sighed, "Where's my poncho?" He asked the other male, at which Mariano quickly retrieved it from the shifter's pile of other garments, before handing it to him.

The boy wasted no time in tugging it on over his form, leaving him semi-decent as he slipped out of the sheets and walked over to the window.

Mariano watched this action with rapt attention, observing how the boy initially struggled to get it over his now-messy hair, while attempting to keep a straight face, before following his path across the room to the window with his gaze.

Suddenly Camilo stretched, turning to face him with a much calmer expression now present on his face. "What?" He asked, in response to the other's unabashed staring. He still sounded slightly irritated but still less so than earlier...

"Uhhhh, nothing..." Mariano said, clearing his throat and attempting to banish all unclean thoughts, featuring the beautiful man before him, from his mind...

"You just seemed upset before," Mariano began, "and rightfully so!" He continued hastily after a deadly stare from the other. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright..." he finished, noting how the other's expression softened slightly at this.

"I may have... overreacted a bit earlier..." Camilo said slowly. "I was just a bit more confused than I'd typically like to be this early in the morning..." he muttered.

There was a moment of silence as the shifter paused, dwelling on his words while nervously biting his lip.

"Last night was... fun though..." he continued, flushing and avoiding eye contact. Mariano's own eyes widened at this statement from the other.

"So... you liked it..?" Mariano asked, a smirky grin migrating onto his face. Camilo rolled his eyes, muttering something about idiots as he walked from the window to the Center of the room, refusing to give the other the satisfaction of an answer.

That doesn't mean what we did wasn't wrong though..." he continued sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. "I mean... Isabela actually really likes you..." The shifter frowned, analyzing their situation as he continued.

"I mean, we can't just tell her! What would I even say? Sorry Isabela but the guy you like is kinda into me now?!!" The shifter said, sarcasm lacing his tone.

Ughhh... this was all so confusing...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now