Here And Now

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"Sorry..." the angel said, an element of mirth present in his tone as he spoke. "I can't really control it sometimes... and you are pretty unused to it..." he mused, grinning up at the other mischievously...

Camilo shifts a bit more, finally settling on Isabela's form before speaking, "Mariano, it is I, the beautiful Isabela Madrigal, now you must become as incredible as I, by marrying me..!"

He said this in a joking manner, exaggerating his hip movements and flourishing his arms in a purposely terrible impression of the floral Madrigal, causing the other to giggle slightly.

Mariano, however, wanted to take the moment to explain something to the shifter... "Camilo," he began, causing the Madrigal to turn back to himself at the other male's serious tone and use of his real name.

"I just wanted to tell you... that I love it best when you are just yourself..." Mariano explained, gently stroking the other's face, brushing any stray curls out of the way as he continued.

"You don't need to be anyone but yourself for me mi vida..." he whispered, grabbing the shifter by the waist to tug him close, tenderly mouthing along the shifter's neck as he did so...

A pleasurable shudder moved through the chameleon as these words and actions, gently pushing at the other's chest to pull away.

That way he could see the larger male's face as he replied, the chameleon's eyes round and somber at this. "Everyone always needs someone else..." he mumbled.

His expression was slightly hurt as he said this, though it relaxed as he continued. "They don't know what it's like to not be wanted for just... yourself... y'know..?" he chuckled.

"So, thank you," he interjected, eyes finally flickering up to meet the other's. "It's nice to be reminded that someone can still appreciate my incomparable natural appearances..."

The angel smirked, though his earnest gratitude for the compliment shone through his jestful words, "I can't help it if I've been cursed with this unavoidable attraction... that I'm so... irresistible..!"

Camilo said this dramatically, his voice thick with sarcasm as he delicately placed a hand over his forehead and pretended to faint.

Both chuckled at this, the shifter's hazel eyes roaming across Mariano's form for a moment as if about to suggest something before he ducked his head slightly, playing it off as just him fixing his poncho...

Mariano just...

He couldn't stop sexualizing this vixen before him... he wanted... no, needed to feel the other's skin under his fingers, to pluck this innocent flower and ruffle it's petals just so...

Every movement he made seemed to be sensual, fluid, without any real sexual intent behind it. It fascinated Mariano to the extreme...

Then, his revere was shattered as the chameleon before him turned, making his way over to the dining table as he spoke.

"Soooooo... if the house is empty... what do you wanna do..?" Camilo asked, shrugging his shoulders with his head tilted slightly, still facing away from the other.

Thoughtlessly, Mariano replies with the only true answer he can provide...

"You..." he whispered, his voice husky...

In an instant Mariano had pressed up behind the shifter who made a mildly surprised noise at the action, tracing his hands along the chameleon's flawless natural form.

Camilo shivered at this, his voice stuttering as he spoke. "I'm-meant like a g-game or something..." he explained, not fully protesting at the others current actions with the way he leaned into his touch...

"So you want me to stop?" Mariano asked this question teasingly, dragging his nose gently across the other's exposed shoulder, the shifter's poncho having slipped, his shirt beneath having already been unbuttoned...

It wasn't as if he didn't already know what the shifter's answer would be...

"N-no..." Camilo whined, gasping slightly at both of the other male's hands having found their way onto his hips, dragging up his torso, causing his unbuttoned dress shirt to ride up underneath it.

Mariano smirked at this, pushing the shifter forward gently, causing Camilo to bend over the dining room table, hitching his legs up in the process, allowing for the other to slot perfectly between them...

"Wait! Here?!?" The shifter gasped, grasping at the tablecloth as his waistband was toyed with, his breath catching as his cock was delicately fondled through the layers of fabric.

"Why not, the house is empty..." Mariano whispered convincingly into the other's ear, his purring tone sending shivers through the chameleon beneath him.

The feather light sensations on his dick were slowly driving the angel mad as he arched his back wantonly, desperately canting his hips backwards into the other's ministrations...

Camilo shivered trying to form a proper thought, which proved nearly impossible to do when the other male's hands were upon him...


"What about Dolores..?" The shifter gasped out, struggling to keep his breathing level as the pleasure practically consumed him...

"S-she can still hear us out here..!" He protested as he was gently tugged, the other's hands having migrated into his pants...

Mariano paused at this, giving the chameleon a chance to actually breathe for a moment, the hand working his member having stilled momentarily...

"Fair enough..." Mariano shrugged, releasing the other so that he could stand back up, knees weak from the close proximity he'd been to his release.

Camilo sighed in relief, gasping lightly as the other's hand was removed from his crotch, smothering a moan with his poncho sleeve...

"Lead the way mi vida..." Mariano whispered seductively; following willingly as the angel before him tugged him up the stairs, hand in hand.

Pulling him one step closer...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now