Final Boss

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"If I'm being honest..." Isabela began a few moments after Dolores had joined them. "I never wanted to get married, I was just doing it for Abuela." She sighed, smiling dejectedly.

I'm actually kind of... relieved that you're not really into me, no offense." She said in a relatively frank manner.

Hearing this admission further solidified Mariano in his decision to tell Abuela, knowing that it was better to be honest with his feelings sooner than later.

"I'm so glad that we got this out of the way." Isa hummed happily. "I've been trying to come up with a reason to break off the relationship for a while now." She grinned.

Dolores nodded at this. "She's been making me help her." She explained quietly, a deadpan expression complimenting her mild annoyance. "All of her ideas are just plain crazy."

Isabela laughed, snorting at this accusation before defending herself. "Hey! You're the one who tried to kill Mr. Lovesick over here the other day." She chuckled.

The other girl nodded her head slightly at this, humming in agreement. "True. I probably would have finished the job too, if his knight in sunshine armour hadn't showed up." She huffed in a frustrated manner.

"Guys." Mariano started, "I'm right here." He said as straight faced as he could.

Before they all began laughing hysterically.

Soon enough all of the commotion attracted the rest of the family, who couldn't understand what all of the calamity was about.

Pepa and Felix, who had been in the kitchen with Agustin and Julieta rushed onto the scene, wondering what could be going on, all asking questions as soon as they arrived.

Luisa and Mirabel had approached tentatively a moment later, so as to join the group from behind, Antonio on Luisa's shoulders to provide him a better view.

Finally, above all the ruckus, an authoritative voice cut through the noise currently unfolding from everyone. "What is going on here?" Abuela asked firmly.

In a heartbeat, the horde of adults had parted, allowing Abuela Alma a straight path to the trio on the balcony.

Well, though Mariano, that was one way to get an audience with the matriarch Madrigal...

There was silence following Abuela's question, which had mainly been directed at Isabela and Mariano, until Dolores spoke.

"Mariano and Isa have a few things they want to share with the family." She hummed, stepping closer to the floral Madrigal who gave her cousin a fleeting grateful glance.

"Erm, yes, exactly..." Mariano began, anxiety infiltrating his voice as he was finally approached by the head of the family.

While he knew he had Dolores and Isabela on his side, he still would have liked to individually convince a few other family members before confronting the final boss like this...

"Mariano and I won't be getting married." Isabela interrupted, meeting Abuela's gaze boldly. The elderly Madrigal's gaze immediately raked over him as she heard this. "Is this true Mariano?" She questioned fiercely.

He nodded in confirmation at this inquiry as Isabela continued to explain. "He has informed me that he loves another..." she finished, giving room for said male to speak.

He smiled at this show of support before finding his voice and putting it to use. "I wasn't expecting to do this in front of you all." He said, chuckling nervously as he put his hands in his pockets.

"I hadn't expected to reveal my disinterest in being with señorita Isabela and ask for another Madrigal's hand all within the same conversation..." he muttered, sighing nervously.

This news earned a few gasps of surprise and shocked expressions from the family before him, specifically from Pepa and Felix as they glanced between him and Dolores as if trying to visualize their compatibility.

"Mariano..." Pepa began, narrowing her eyes at the silent female at the edge of the trio. "Would you mind telling us who this 'mystery Madrigal' is..." she continued dangerously, lightning sparking in the cloud above her.

Then Dolores, who wasn't about to be on the receiving end of her mother's wrath while Mariano continued to stutter over his words, finally let out with it.

"Mariano likes Camilo." She said simply, humming slightly at the end of her sentence.

Well... that was certainly one way to tell them...

Pepa, who clearly wasn't expecting this answer, zeroed her terrifying gaze on the male before her in an instant. "My baby boy?" She asked in an eerily calm manner the storm above her intensifying...

"What about me mami?" Antonio questioned sweetly from behind her, tugging on her dress, Luisa having put him down.

"Of course, you are my other special little baby boy." She smiled softly down at him, placing a comforting arm around his head full of curls.

"I just need you to stay right here ok, mami might have to get a little angry for a minute." She whispered lovingly so as not to scare him.

As this was going on Julieta and Agustin took the distraction to pull Isabela aside to comfort her. "Are you alright sweetie?"

Julieta asked this as she hugged her, her brow creased in an upset fashion, Agustin reflecting her worried expression on his own face.

"I'm fine mami, papi." Isa said in a mildly annoyed tone as her parents fawned over her. "I never wanted to marry him in the first place." She explained, causing the entire room to look her way.

She flushed daintily at this, not having meant to say it that loudly...

Then, thankfully, the attention was pulled off of her as the only absent Madrigal, besides Bruno, finally arrived, late to the party.

As Camilo opened his door, now properly dressed and ready for the day, he didn't expect to find his entire family's eyes instantly glued to him...

"Uhhhh..." he began, facing them all in confusion, glancing at Mariano for a moment, his gaze seeming to ask him: what have you done now...

"What did I miss..?" He asked aloud, smiling sheepishly at the group.

Thunder echoed from the expanding grey cloud above Pepa's head and rain began falling within the Casita.

Yeah, that could have gone a bit better...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now