Welcoming Party

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Before the party had begun the walls had been strung up with brightly coloured streamers, and a large floral "welcome" banner had been hung over the center of the hall.

Julieta had outdone herself, making enough food to feed the entire village and then some, which was fitting since it seemed as though everyone within the Encanto had shown up, the event extending out onto the grounds of Casita.

As the guest of honour, Mariano mingled with the partygoers, including his own mother and father, exchanging greetings and pleasantries with those around him; though in reality he was really just waiting for his angel to arrive...

He hadn't spoken to his parents about the baby yet, figuring that would be something he and Cami would want to do together... so he spent his time migrating to different corners of the party, enjoying his welcome.

He made small talk with a few of his friends, avoiding a few others such as Andres... having been more than content with their singular encounter with each other at the clothing shop...

Then, suddenly the lights within Casita had dimmed slightly; causing murmurs to rise from the crowd; as if the house was preparing for some form of grand display...

Which it was...

Candle-spotlights we're swiftly cast onto the true star of the party, who had finally arrived. Camilo stood at the top of the stairs - pretty as a princess.

He had golden links woven amongst his hair, the ends hanging tangled throughout his curls. His dark khôl-rimmed gaze casting glossy dark shadows onto his hazel eyes as the light filtered through his lashes.

His outfit was a long sleeve navy wrap dress with a high waist tie to it and gilded embroidery along the length of the form-fitting gown, which showed off his figure perfectly.

There were golden bangles at his wrists and he also wore a stylish bow tie around his throat that matched the dress; complimenting the steep v-neckline of the gown;

The fabric of the bow was embroidered with a type of shimmering gold thread, that matched that of his outfit, and the golden jewelry woven elegantly into his hair completed the ensemble, delicately catching the light...

The shifter smiled seductively down at the other, kicking his leg out slightly to reveal the large slit up the right side of the dress, as well as his golden heels.

"So... how do I look..?" He questioned, twirling in place so that his skirt billowed momentarily; basking in the awed gaze of his lover.

The room was quiet, all eyes on the couple's current exchange...

For the moment it was just the two of them that existed within the space, lost in each other's gazes...

Mariano could only stare up at the other, slack-jawed until Mirabel elbowed him, with Casita nudging the tiles at the back of his legs, snapping him out of his daze.

He quickly scaled the staircase to meet his chameleon at the top before speaking. "Absolutely breathtaking..." he whispered softly, offering the other his arm.

Camilo grinned mischievously, accepting his arm as they descended down the staircase. "Why thank you..." he smiled, ducking his head bashfully, miraculously avoiding dislodging his jewelry.

The guests clapped loudly to welcome the other celebratory recipient, leaving the brunette grinning widely at their excitement, the extroverted male feeding off of the energy of the event as it resumed.

Once they reached ground level Mariano was taken aback to realize that the chameleon was now nearly the same height as he was, before he remembered the heels the other was currently wearing.

As if sensing his thoughts, the boy before him unintentionally tripped over said footwear, almost falling if Mariano hadn't been there to catch him, leaving the shifter to be glad that all those eyes were no longer fixated on him...

"Whoops, guess I need a bit more practice in these things." Camilo chuckled, righting himself surprisingly well for someone who seemed so unsteady.

"First time in heels." He explained, leaving Mariano to cock a brow at this. "First time?" He asked, watching as the shifter nodded. "And you can actually stand in those things?" The older male questioned.

He didn't mind them, he just wanted his angel to be comfortable...

Camilo scrunched his nose cutely at this question, his eyes narrowing into a slight glare that he didn't have the drive to sustain. "I like them." He argued, lifting his head defiantly.

Mariano simply rolled his eyes at the other's stubbornness, pushing his face into the other's chest in a rather inappropriate but comforting gesture as he spoke.

"I understand that you like them, I mean are they comfortable for you mi vida?" He pressed, actively quizzing the now flustered shapeshifter.

"N-not exactly..." the angel whispered out, Mariano humming in agreement as he relished in the slight stutter within his words as he continued. "But they do make it easier to do this-"

The next minute Mariano had found himself pulled up and ensnared into a gentle yet passionate kiss, one that had nearby party attendees either wolf whistling or chuckling and covering the eyes of curious smaller children.

Only they finally separated, breaking apart only from a lack of oxygen, did the shifter finish speaking. "There..." he panted, eyes victorious looking into Mariano's own dazed expression.

"Is that a good enough reason for you?" He questioned sinfully, tilting his head as the observers surrounding them rejoined the lively celebration.

Mariano found himself unable to form a coherent thought, much less words, simply nodding slightly before breaking out into a wide grin as his senses slowly ebbed back into him.

That was MORE than a good enough reason...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now