We Never Were Apart

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As Mariano moved to shield his eyes from the bright light his mind raced as he attempted to come up with a CLEAN, acceptable, response to the asked question... especially with the way Julieta was subtly eyeing him, gesturing slightly to Antonio.

"I love your son." Was the first thing he found himself saying, addressing Felix to start with. His head was empty yet he felt the words flowing out of him without prompt as the trio before him listened.

"Your big brother," He said to Antonio who grinned as he was acknowledged by the other, "and your nephew..." he finished, returning Julieta's sweet smile as he continued.

"I love him, and... I don't remember who I was without him..." Mariano smiled, a faraway look capturing his gaze at the thought of his lover. "Nor do I have any wish to do so." He said firmly.

"I want him to become a part of my life, a permanent part should you allow it, that hopefully I will someday forget that there was even a time when we were apart..." Mariano finished, his chest feeling lighter than it had in a while.

He'd needed to say that.

To tell someone that he'd finally found the person to give all of his internal love to...

That he'd found the one...

Felix, Julieta and even Antonio, who sat there just as quietly, were speechless. Antonio, who had stopped stroking his armadillo, was just staring at the older male with those bright brown eyes of his, so wide and bright that they rivaled the sun.

Mariano was instantly reminded of his own chameleon's brilliant hazel gaze at the sight, causing a brief pang of longing to bolt through him. He had been away from his beloved for far too long...

Felix was thoughtful about his answer, as he often was, his face breaking out into a soft grin as he spoke. "Of course I would allow it." He said, satisfied with the others' response.

"And I know I speak for both his mother and I when I say that she would agree as well, grudgingly perhaps, but all she wants is for him to be happy..." he continued.

"And you make him happy." Felix said, locking eyes with the other, his expression serious but with a rather joyous undertone to it.

"Aw... That was beautiful..." Julieta whispered, visibly tearing up as she pulled them both in for a squeezing hug, with Mariano stretching awkwardly across the desk to accomplish this, though he didn't mind.

Antonio wasted no time in wrapping his arms around his tia's waist in an effort to join the group hug, forcing Julieta to swiftly include him.

Both older males chuckled at this, her actions reminding Mariano of his own mother... he smiled, knowing they would get along rather nicely as in-laws...

The perfect reverie of happiness was shattered in an instant as Pepa burst through the room door, spilling light into the space, pacing while still complaining about Abuela's behaviour.

"-I mean who does she think she is?!?" The weather Madrigal hissed, the rain cloud above her dripping lightly as she struggled to maintain her composure, cursing rapidly in Spanish.

" Lo siento, ¿estás criando a MI hijo? no creo que lo seas." She growled. "No puedes controlar a todos!!"

She screamed the last part out the now open door of the room rather loudly, the thundercloud above her rumbling as she panted, breathing slowly to calm herself as it threatened to pour.

"Are you alright now mami?" Someone asked from beside her, outside of the doorframe. He couldn't be seen but Mariano recognized him nevertheless.

The sound of that gentle, familiar voice instantly had the bewitched man on his feet, the group's shared embrace having shattered once Pepa had interrupted, with Julieta being forced to cover Antonio's ears at his mother's choice language...

"Aye, baby... mi ángel precioso..." Pepa cooed, taking his face in her hands as she began to speak. "I am so sorry that you had to hear that..." she said, tenderly running a hand through his hair, mildly disturbing the shifter's curls.

"I'm also sorry... for being just as judging, of you Mariano..." she continued, turning now to face the other male in question, who was still eyeing the chameleon beside her, desperate for his touch...

"You are clearly meant to be..." She said quietly, glancing once more over to her son, who looked oh, so happy to hear those words leave her lips...

"Who am I to stand in the way of that?" She finished, the question phrased more as a statement as she both literally and figuratively stepped aside, providing the other with a direct path to the brunette.

Mariano looked at her, trying to hide his surprise at her choice of action, grinning and racing over to the boy as she smiled, albeit tightly, and nodded at him.

He was at his angel's side in a heartbeat, picking him up and quickly twirling Camilo, as said shifter laughed, before setting him down, enjoying the way the other's curls bounced lightly, falling back to frame his face, with the action.

"Hey... you ok?" Camilo smiled up at him shyly through his lashes, the sight causing Mariano's heart to lift, soaring to new heights.

"I am now..." The older male returned, hugging the other closer to him as he said this. Never wanting to let go...

Julieta, who could tell that she was no longer needed, chose that moment to excuse herself, leaving with a polite goodbye to the group and taking a disappointed Antonio with her.

"Awwwwww... I wanted to see my first trial..." the animal lover whined as he and his four-footed-friend were gently pulled out the door by his tia; who easily mentioned making cookies, instantly lifting the boy's mood.

A jaguar then emerged from the remaining shadows to follow the animal boy, roaring to scare Mariano on its way out, causing the shifter to laugh once again. Had that thing been in the room the entire time..?!?

The thought terrified him but he tried his best not to let it show; though his angel's knowing smirk displayed his lack of subtlety.

"Would you care to join me mi vida?" Felix asked, taking Pepa's hand within his own in order to pull her closer to himself.

"I was just planning to have 'the talk' with these two... since they clearly are engaged in such... activities..." Felix finished, raising a brow at the pair as he spoke.

This caused both of said male's faces to redden at the thought, immediately knowing this was some form of punishment for their dishonesty.

"That sounds like a great idea mi amor. Especially for future reference." Pepa agreed, loving the twin mortified looks on their faces as Mariano began to protest.

"T-that isn't necessary..." he said laughing nervously. "I may have mentioned before that we now know how to do it safely so really-" he ranted before being cut off.

"Sit down. Both of you." Pepa ordered, her steely gaze hiding an evil agenda that Felix tried his best to mimic. Both obeyed as she continued. "Now, let us begin..!"

Pepa smirked as she said this, her face resembling that of a particularly pleased cat...

Elsewhere in Casita, specifically, across the hall, another wore a similar smirk as she too enjoyed the awkwardness that the pair were having to suffer through by her daughter's hand.

They would be alright... and the information WAS rather valuable...

Their destinies were intertwined... no amount of effort on her part had managed to make any difference in changing that...

Though she was still just as sorry for what she had done...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now