No Change Necessary (NSFW)

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Mariano had hardly had any warning before the shifter had hit his peak, any resistance he had previously retained was nullified in an instant as he came loudly within the other male's throat.

Mariano nearly choked in his initial surprise, but still managed to swallow his chameleon's release with little additional trouble.

The shifter, gasping at the overstimulation of the other male swallowing around his still-buried cock, let out a soft, desperate sound in protest that only succeeded in turning Mariano on further.

The shifter, however, looked physically exhausted... his eyes were basically closed, and his breathing was already mellowing back out again.

Deciding that the other needed a minute, Mariano simply wrapped his arms around the other and snuggled warmly into his chameleon's side as he recovered.

They laid like that for a few moments before the brunette finally said something, trembling slightly as he spoke. "So did you still want to..?" He trailed off, a bashful expression on his face as he did so, keening a bit at the end of the sentence while averting his eyes.

Mariano gave a smug smile at the shifter's hidden request before replying. "Sure, if that's what you want..?" He teased, wanting the other to verbally admit to his own consenting desire...

"T-then you can go ahead and start... doing what you're doing... if you want..." The Madrigal stuttered, unconsciously widening his spread legs a bit more.

Mariano laughed internally at the angelic boy's embarrassed, yet sweet, behaviour. He did, however, want the other to be comfortable about expressing himself.

Then again... he could help with that...

Leaning closer to the other he whispered, "I can make magic happen too...", he watched in amusement as his chameleon's eyes widened in disbelief at this statement; then his hands were everywhere...

Roaming along his chest, his dick, and then, before he could question it, Mariano's own poorly concealed bulge was grinding up against him. He whined desperately, crying out at the overstimulation...

Mariano then slowed down in order to allow the shifter beneath him to think more clearly for a second. Glancing curiously down, examining the state of the male beneath him.

The brunette's form was tense, as if he was on the edge of a cliff, about to jump off... his eyes were tightly shut, head tipped back into the pillows, his lower lip between his teeth...

Mariano gently nudged the other's side in order to get his attention. The chameleon's eyes gingerly fluttered open, tentatively meeting the other's concentrated stare beneath his lashes.

Mariano, on the other hand, was temporarily awestruck, almost losing himself in those gorgeous hazel eyes... he was so far gone...

Nononono, he had to focus...

Then, after a moment of staring, Mariano managed to clear his throat and blink a few times, in order to break the spell the other seemed to have placed on him, allowing him to regain his voice.

"I want you so badly mi ángel,"Mariano began, adoring the way the other's cheeks darkened at the statement. "I just want to be sure you want this as much as I do... because I'm more than willing to wait until you're ready..."

He said this softly, breath tickling the tied Madrigal's ear as he pressed up against the other's form. Suppressing the urge to simply tear the other's clothing away and ravish him senseless...

He could wait...

The shifter answered by shyly lifting his hips up, gently brushing his own stiff length against the other male's. "I'm ready..." he said, his tone breathy, only hesitating for a moment in his speech as it wavered before it became one of firm agreement.

Mariano beamed, his smile rivaling the brightness of the very sunshine he currently had tied up amongst the bed sheets and cushions.

His chameleon wasn't finished yet, however, continuing to speak. "There's also lube in the drawer." He said coyly, cutting his gaze seductively, nearly causing the other's heart to speed up.

Having verbally admitted his consent seemed to have given the shifter the freedom and comfort that he had been lacking. Good... Mariano moaned lightly at this statement, the brunette's confidence heavily increasing his libido.

He placed a hand on either side of the beautiful shifter, caging him in, grinding up against him slightly as he tugged off his own mint shirt and the other's darker pants in two swift motions, tossing them aside.

Camilo, on the other hand, was a hostage of his own pleasure. Tied down with nowhere to go, with Mariano grinding up against him, causing the brunette to gasp and moan through his words.

"T-too much, too much, too much..!" He whined, stuttering, "I want to come from your cock..!" He finally gasped out, squirming at the sensations and tugging at his wrist bonds as if he were trying to escape.

Mariano stilled at this heated admission, his dick hardening further at the other's words. Did he actually just say that..?!?

He really was trying to kill him...

Palming himself for a moment to help stave off his release Mariano hummed softly as he unzipped his own pants, setting his own cock free...

Camilo tried to ignore the way his heartbeat increased the sight of the other's now-exposed member. Moaning involuntarily at the thought of that thing pressing inside of him...

Why did he feel like he needed that so badly..?

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now