My Baby

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"You want to speak to him... alone..?" She asked, eyes glaring daggers at him in a manner not dissimilar to her eldest daughter.

"Uh, yes..?" He repeated cautiously.

"With how today is going I doubt I'll ever let you NEAR my son again!" She hissed at the inquiring male as Felix approached her from the sidelines.

"Mi vida... I think we should give him a shot at least..." he said gently, placing his arms around her, "At least for Camilo's sake..." he whispered softly, trying to relax the irritated Madrigal.

"Even though I am SO READY TO KILL HIM!!" Felix surprised Mariano by this outburst, causing him to take a few steps back from the warm tone family group as the enraged father turned towards him.

"NOBODY TOUCHES ANY OF MY ANGELS!!!" Felix snapped at him fiercely before turning back to Pepa. "But Abuela said we should at least give them the benefit of the doubt..."

Pepa went ballistic at this. "Mami also mentioned that she was ok with them... doing these things, so long as Camilo provided an heir!" She snarled, turning back to Mariano as she continued.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't a breeding program trying to preserve an endangered species." She said firmly, causing Camilo to blush lightly, "This is my son we are talking about and I think-"

She was almost done with her sentence when she was interrupted by a gentle voice. "What about what I think..?" Camilo asked softly, his mother turning back to him.

"I love him mami, and if you can't trust him; then I need you to trust me..." he said this while holding both of her hands, meeting her gaze truthfully.

"Do you trust me..." he asked her, eyes earnest and bright. "Of course I do my darling..." she confirmed, pulling him closer to her. "All I want is to make sure that you're safe..." she whispered into his auburn hair, gently kissing his head.

Just as she seemed almost convinced Mariano awkwardly attempted to leave them alone... "Apologies, I'll just wait over here then..."

He said this meekly, rejoining the two females on the balcony. causing Pepa's eye to begin twitching. Camilo sighed at this, it was almost as if he had a death wish...

When both Pepa and Felix were both finally done lecturing Mariano, and Julieta and Agustin had had the opportunity to say a few words to him, the adults finally cleared out.

Felix nearly had to herd Pepa away as she glared at the offending male, gesturing that she'd be keeping an eye on him, which Mariano didn't doubt in the slightest...

Then they were gone, leaving all the Madrigal children alone together. "Wow. I can't believe that went as well as it did." Camilo commented mildly, leaning up against the wall near the entrance to the balcony.

"Me neither." Mirabel mused, as Luisa, who seemed slightly lost, motioned to Dolores, who quickly walked over and began to explain everything to her sweet cousin.

The two gossipers left not long after, quietly discussing all of the events that had just occurred...

Isabela then took the opportunity upon herself to conjure a Mariano composed out of various plants and flowers in front of the real one, animating it through her vines.

"Hey Camilo... your boyfriend's here..!" She smirked, making kissy faces and laughing with it much to the shifter's annoyance as Mirabel and Antonio giggled.

"Haha, very funny..." Camilo rolled his eyes playfully at his cousin's antics. "I still think I did it better." He said firmly, causing the other to laugh even more as she swung off the balcony with a flip of her hair.

Noticing that they were the last two Mirabel quickly collected Antonio, leading him away with her to go inform tio Bruno of the news, as the seer was currently helping in the town somewhere.

Then they were alone.

"What were you trying to tell me earlier that was so important you needed me alone..?" Camilo questioned, his gorgeous hazel eyes slightly hazy with confusion.

"Uhhh... well..." Mariano began with a sigh. Not knowing how to go about this... "I was going to tell you that you don't have to fight so hard with your family... for me..."

He said this softly, meeting his chameleon's gaze with his own guilty one. "I know how important family is to you and-!"

He was cut off as the chameleon gently placed a hand on either side of his face, pulling the ranting male down for a deep kiss to shut him up...

"That doesn't mean that I don't love you too..." Camilo said this warmly as he pulled away, trying to reflect his adoration for the other within his gaze. "No matter how stupidly you speak in front of my mother." He glared, playfully pushing the other male's shoulder.

Then Mariano embraced him, tenderly clutching his shifter close to his chest, where he belonged... where he would always belong...

And the moment was perfect...

"We still haven't told your mom about any of this..." Camilo said, coming to the realization as he mulled over his parent's reactions that they had yet to consider the other male's mother...


The moment was almost perfect...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now