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While the furious weather woman was distracted, Felix wasted no time in sneaking the couple away, pulling them down a separate hallway before speaking.

"The both of you should get out of here before your mami turns to sink her fangs into you as well..." Felix chuckled, his adoration for his passionate wife shining through his grin.

"Thanks papi, but I'll stay with you to help soothe mami," Camilo began, "I think she might calm down more quickly once she realizes that I'm not as hurt as she thinks I am..." the shifter smiled softly as he said these words.

Felix nods, his brow furrowed as he asked his next question. "So you're alright then mijo?" He said quietly, still trying to avoid causing a big scene while expressing his worry for his angel.

Camilo shrugged at the inquiry, his nonchalant behaviour more akin to his usual demeanour than his previous sadness. "Abuela didn't change anything, I'm still with who I was meant to be with; still happy..."

The chameleon said this tenderly, twining his fingers with Mariano's own as he glanced over at him, light bursting through the dark clouds fogging his mind as he did so.

"There's no point in being upset about it for too long..." he continued, stretching lightly as he spoke. Knowingly revealing a dangerous amount of skin to his lover as he did so...

Mariano's eyes twitched slightly at this, thankful that Felix failed to notice the effect that the simple action had had on the older of the pair.

Teasing little...

Mariano hardly had time to finish his sentence then before he was pulled away by an assortment of vines.

The plants tugged him further along the hallway, with Isabela lowering down in a vine swing with Dolores just beside the chameleon and his father.

"We'll get him out of here." Dolores said firmly, "Yeah. You two just go be charming or whatever." Isa butted in.

Camilo rolled his eyes at this, hand on his hip while Felix provided her with a knowing grin. "Can do!" He called as he ducked back around the corner, the shifter following suit after leering at the other sufficiently.

Mariano was quickly released as the two girls hopped down from their vantage point, easily sliding free from the tendrils as Isabela willed them to form into a safe shape for dismount.

Isabela was on him in a second, hugging him and jumping up and down as Dolores mirrored her joy with her own smile.

"I can't believe this..! Cami..? A MOM!!!" She screeched, the octave of her voice threatening to gain the attention of the angry mother within the other room.

From what Mariano had known of the other female he'd never have expected her to act this way; though he supposed it was one of the aspects of herself that she'd repressed from him...

Though the idea of that being the cause of her unexpected burst of energy didn't sit well with him, leaving him rather guilty, he instead chose to focus on the now.

On how refreshing it was to see the floral Madrigal in all of her expressive glory, without any barriers to obscure her emotions.

It was truly a delight...

"I can hardly believe I'm going to be a tia..." Dolores said quietly as Isabela continued to rant and squeal, though Mariano still heard her, grinning at her relaxed excitement.

"The coast's clear." A voice said softly, Mariano turning to find both of the other cool-toned Madrigal sisters standing by the edge of the hall.

Luisa and Mirabel stepped from the corner, twin grins etched onto their faces as they observed the situation. "Sooooooooooooo..!" Mira began, hands clenched excitedly as she spoke.

"When are you two getting hitched!?!" She grinned, nearly jumping up and down in an effort to express her glee.

Isa gasped at this, instantly turning to Mariano with, somehow, wider eyes than before. "YES! When?!" She asked, grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him frantically as if to rattle an answer from him.

"I... honestly have no idea..." Mariano said honestly. He and his shifter had hardly gotten a chance to speak about such things, though he doubted that the other would decline him should he ask...

"Well," Luisa began, crossing her arms gently as she began. "First thing you're gonna need is a ring." She said eagerly, with Mirabel and Isa's eyes both lighting up at this opportunity.

"Shopping..?" Dolores suggested softly, with various responses of agreement coming from the other surrounding girls.

"Oh cielos... what on earth was he getting himself into..?

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now