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"Do you have ANY idea how irresponsible you two are being?!?" Pepa screamed at the two; thankfully, now fully clothed males sitting before her; as the grey cloud began raining above her head, which she ignored.

"I leave you two alone for an hour and you try to KNOCK UP MY BABY!!" She angrily screamed this last line in Mariano's face before practically collapsing, exasperated, into a nearby armchair, with Felix beside her as he tried to comfort her.

No matter how many times Camilo attempted to convince his mother that it had been his idea to have the baby, it was clearly always going to be Mariano who was the bad influence in the weather-based Madrigal's head...

Which Mariano didn't take as a bad thing, as the last thing he wanted was for his angel to incur any of the golden Madrigal mother's wrath...

"How did you find us?" Camilo asked softly, his curly brown hair still rather unkempt from their... Mariano shut down this thought quickly before he could complete it.

Dwelling on the chameleon's appearance brought dangerous thoughts to mind... and somehow he doubted that Pepa would be happy if he chose to begin their lecture while sporting a hard on...

"Casita let me in, obviously!" Pepa hissed, her thunder cloud intensifying for a moment before Dolores cut in softly. "She threatened to go at the door with an ax." Dolores hummed, her eyes wide at this.

Huh... even the family home knew better than to mess with the short-tempered Madrigal mother...

"If you mean how we knew that the two of you were up to no good, you can only blame yourselves for that." Pepa huffed, the downpour refusing to cease as she stood up to dispel it.

"You've probably traumatized your sister with what little she had to hear..." the golden mother said with a glare, arms crossed as she once again sank back into the green armchair.

Camilo turned to his sister, who was seated nearby, with casita having brought chairs over for everyone when the discussion had started. "Y-you could hear us..?"

He asked this softly, face aflame, "b-before we went upstairs..." he continued, his flush brightening as she nodded mutely in confirmation.

Mariano found that he himself was far less fazed by this information, though he wasn't sure if that was a good thing...

"Her face was as red as un tomate." Felix interjected. "We could tell that something was up..." he said, brow raised as Dolores looked mildly guilty at this confirmation.

Though the couple understood that it wasn't her fault; as she had no control over it...

Dolores explained that Pepa had asked her multiple times what was wrong, and though the sound-powered Madrigal had denied anything being amiss, Pepa Madrigal was many things, but a fool was not one of them.

The mother had instantly realized, taking off, booking it all the way back to the house in sandals, with Dolores and Mariano right on her heels...

Mariano raised his eyes upward at this part of the explanation. Of course. Only his future-mother-in law could be this terrifying...

After nearly an hour of frustrated lecturing, mainly about the importance of celibacy and wedlock before children, Pepa finally managed to simmer down with Felix's help...

"Mi vida, though they BLATANTLY disobeyed us." He said with a glare directed towards Mariano and Camilo. "They haven't done anything wrong." He argued, as the new storm cloud expanded slightly at this.

"They are both consenting adults. Who should still listen to their parents, mind you..." he said while looking back, once again at Camilo.

"But he's also old enough to decide what he wants for his future; and he's selected this lovely young man to be a part of it..." Felix spoke these words calmly enough that the ominous forecast above his wife's head seemed to diminish slightly.

Pepa looked slightly less murderous as she listened to these words leave her beloved's lips. "We should at least give him a chance with this mi querida..." He whispered soothingly.

Once he'd finished speaking, the father in question took her hand lightly within his own, rubbing the back of it with his thumb in a tender motion.

Felix gently lifted the stormy Madrigal mother to her feet, bringing her over to the pair, specifically Mariano. "Let's start with a clean slate..."

He smiled, beginning to push her closer to the other, but with little force behind it. "Go on, introduce yourselves..!" He grinned.

She and Mariano both seemed to be at a loss for a moment before the male snapped out of it, reaching his hand out for her to shake it.

"Mariano Guzman." He said nervously, clearing his throat afterwards. She eyed his outstretched hand with a nearly tactile amount of disdain for a moment before taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

"I am Pepa Madrigal. Though you may call me Mrs. Madrigal." She began, before removing her hand and grabbing his shirt collar slightly instead, tugging him forwards as she continued.

"Though you could also call me your worst nightmare you son of a-" she was about to continue before she was swept away by Felix pulling her in for a hug.

"That was nearly perfect mi vida!" He beamed, "A bit threatening at the end, but we can work on that." He chuckled, as she smiled softly, with him pulling her close into his warm, familiar embrace.

And Mariano was happy for them... mildly concerned for his life, sure... but also happy...

Everything was going to be fine...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now