A Nice Change

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The pair escape the party to Camilo's room upstairs, with the shifter leading the way, somewhat luring Mariano to the better location, ducking away and racing off with a grin, giggling when the larger male swiftly gave chase without hesitation.

The brunette was pressed up against the locked door as soon as they get inside the room, with Mariano grinding his crotch gently into the other's own, a noticeable bulge forming within his own formal trousers.

"It's later..." Mariano whispered, a tender reminder as he ghosted his hands across the exposed skin of the smaller male's thighs, enjoying the way the sunny Madrigal seemed to almost melt under his touch.

"Mhm... And people say I'M the mischievous one..." The chameleon giggled, his laugh quickly tapering off into a keen when his dick was grabbed, roughly, with Mariano setting a harsher pace with his tugging than his angel is used to...

And does he ever love it...

The shifter's eyes are hazy from his ministrations, top of his dress hanging loosely about his shoulders, the tying wrap knot having loosened with all of its owner's activity, displaying more of the shifter's bare golden shoulders and chest than it had before.

Mariano, licks his suddenly dry lips, eyeing the knot of the dress that he knows is only the only separating the angel before him from being completely revealed. The thought sending eager shivers down the older male's spine as he moved to mouth at the shifter's already exposed skin.

Soon enough...

Though many were not aware of the fact that Camilo had freckles along his collarbone, due to the ruana he wore traditionally concealing most of his torso, nevertheless they were there; a small pattern of marks that dusted the flesh near his throat, dipping over onto his back as well, which Mariano traced absently; adoring all of these simple details that only he knew of...

"Mi princesa..." he hummed, the vibrations of the sound leaving his mouth causing shivers to course through the other's form, as he held back a deep moan at the tingling sensation.



It was quite a challenge to get undressed as they moved to the bed, with the pair heatedly groping and tangling with each other, lips only parting for mere seconds at a time. Even more so for Mariano, who was wearing a full suit, though they made it work in the end.

Not to mention that the enticing way that the shifter's dress dripped off of him to pool at his feet, slipping out of it as smoothly as water; a dark, heady look in his hazel eyes; helped significantly to motivate the older male to move faster...

The chameleon's elaborate gold-threaded curls look even better spread against the pillows when they finally tumble to the bedsheets, with the other male still biting dark marks down the Madrigal's thigh, clearly still in a "claiming" sort of mood...

"M-Mari..?" the shifter gasped slightly as he received a sharper nip in response to the question. "Yes, mi amor..?" Mariano hummed against his flesh, gradually working his way back up to the shifter's cock...

Camilo shivered at this, still attempting to speak through the older man's distractingly pleasurable behaviour. "I think that we should try something different tonight..." he said through a moan, the confidence in his tone surprising even himself.

Mariano pauses at this, glancing up at the other with wide, interested eyes. The shifter flushed at this attention, continuing to speak. "I-I mean, not new per se... we've done it before but it's just been a while... but we don't have to if you don-Aha!"

The angel's rant was instantly cut off as his cock was once more engulfed by the warm, constricting heat of the other's mouth and throat. The auburn-haired male couldn't help but gasp at the heady sensation following this action, releasing a sweet, high-pitched moan as his toes curled in satisfaction.

S-so good...

Hands fisting at the bedsheets in desperation the chameleon whined as Mariano pressed his hips down, swirling his tongue around the head and digging into the slit, causing the younger to wail at this, his sensitivity spiking, causing his entire body to shake with pleasure.

Legs were spread as he was quickly flipped and pushed down into the bed on his belly, Mariano's own weight pressed gently down upon him as he observed how the other's genitalia hadn't changed, realizing what the shifter had meant by something different...

Grinning, Mariano swiftly lined himself up with the shifter's entrance, groaning internally at the thought of having the angel's familiar, tight heat around him for the first time in a while, claiming it as his own for the night... With the brunette beneath him shivering slightly, as if sensing these hungry thoughts...

They remained there as Mariano moved to pull the lube from the brunette's bedside drawer, easily slicking himself up and pressing a single slick finger inside of the other's searing heat.

The chameleon below him him gasped lowly at the intrusion, whining at the teasing pressure of the other's dick at his hole once said finger disappeared, both of them too needy to do much more prep...

Then Mariano began to push inside, with Camilo gasping at the pleasurable tones of the sharper pain that followed his hole not being prepared properly, with the older male entering him more slowly for that very same reason.

When he had finally bottomed out Mariano remained buried within the shifter for a few moments, waiting for his body to adjust. Tightly gripping the angels hips to prevent him from fucking back onto Mariano's cock impatiently before he was ready.

As he knew he would...

True to the other's expectations, the shifter did try to wiggle his hips free for a few moments but Mariano held firm, preventing the beautiful angel from hurting himself in any way...

Eventually the chameleon paused his squirming, lifting his head up from the pillows he had buried them in to talk. "Move... now..." he whispered, his voice shaky.

His breath had been stolen by the all consuming sensation of Mariano's dick, unbeknownst to its person, pressing up against a certain special bundle of nerves inside of the shifter; magnifying every motion, or subtle shift in the older male's position for the past few minutes, tenfold for the Madrigal...

Camilo needed him to move or he was going to scream...

The angel had been speechless when he first got inside of him, emitting small, pleasurable sounds as he adjusted to the other being deeper within him than ever before... or so it felt, but that could however simply have been his own very active imagination...

A swift jerk of the other's hips however, quickly sent the chameleon spiraling, frantically tangling his hands in the covers with a cry, in an effort to ground himself at the overwhelming wave of pleasure that threatened to drown him...

Nope. Definitely not his very active imagination...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now