Deep Heartbeat

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They quickly took a moment to strip themselves of their remaining clothing, with the Madrigal of the pair taking a few extra moments to enjoy the hunger present in the other male's gaze as more of his tantalizing skin was put on display...

"Since it's your first time we'll start slowly then, with you leading; deal?" Mariano bargained as they assumed their prior positions.

He was determined to give the brunette a much larger percentage of the control, considering this was new territory for the both of them...

Camilo nodded at this, eyes closing for a moment as he inhaled in and out slowly for a minute or two to regulate his breathing before leaning down to rub their noses together sweetly, the action calming him.

"I'm ready..." he breathed, clever hands having found their way down to the other's cock as he continued to speak, causing the male beneath him to shiver pleasantly at this subtle stimulation.

Nimble fingers soon had Mariano's dick ready and poised against the other's naturally slick entrance... "You want me..." The angel had purred, leaning over to the other's ear as he did so.

"I'm yours." He whispered, before pushing his hips quickly down onto the waiting cock below him, both simultaneously groaning as the larger male quickly bottomed out inside of him.

After a moment or two of simply enjoying the feeling of just being filled so perfectly by the other... Camilo smiled warmly, his love for the other male such a natural part of his expression.

The shifter lifted his hips slightly, whining at the sensation of the other's dick shifting within him before pressing back down in the beginning of a gentle, pleasurable rythme.

Slick and warm and tight, clenching just so around his aching member in a way that drove Mariano mad.

He couldn't believe that he was being given the opportunity to breed this incredible creature, that the children they bore would have such an incredible man as their mother...

It was beyond him...

The brunette eventually sped up, increasing to a much faster speed as he began to actually ride the other male, desperation kicking in as his libido increased...

Camilo shivered at the control that he had over his pace, the power that he had to affect both his own pleasure as well as Mariano's.

How he could decide how deep he wanted the other, which, as it turned out, was surprisingly deep... with the head of the other male's cock pushing lightly up against his new cervix with each thrust.

Which the shifter found caused a deliciously pleasurable ache to flood through his lower belly at this motion. One that he replicated insistently in order to bear the same results...

As much as the chameleon often enjoyed being beneath the other, willingly submitting himself to the other's desires, he also found himself relishing in the power that he held over the other male...

The squeeze of his thighs against Mariano's own in contrast with the hands gripping his hips, the insistent thrusts of the pinned man beneath him sent chills along Camilo's spine...

He was his... and only his...

Moaning loudly at this thought, the shifter quickly covered his mouth at the lewd sound that escaped him, biting down on a few of his fingers in order to effectively gag himself.

Mariano smirked at this, gently pulling the other's hand away without missing a beat in his thrusts. "I want to hear you..." Mariano said softly...

He jerked up quickly for a moment in order to catch the other off guard and was instantly rewarded with a long, drawn out groan that ended in a high pitched noise.

Camilo hiccuped slightly at a much harder jolt of Mariano's hips, spearing him open. He was so deep...

"Mi vida... your voice is so unbelievably sexy..." the larger Male whispered, nearly drunk at the other's beautiful noises.

Mariano was always surprised by the deceptively sinful tongue and devilish ways that belied his chameleon's heavenly form and angelic expressions but this was on an entirely different level...

Camilo, in contrast, couldn't help but flashback to when he was the one on the bottom, tied below Mariano, who had treated him as if he was the most precious thing in the world...

The thought of this image caused a significant increase in the shifter's noises, the pitch of his moans also rising as he willingly rocked his hips into the other male's thrusts, heartbeats moulding together...

Bracing his hands against the other's chest in support, the angel tucked his head down, pressing himself fully up against the other male as he hit his peak... crying out a broken version of the larger male's name as he came.

And the sound... of his name on the other's lips, was too much for him... too perfect...

Mariano climaxed moments after the other male, the intimacy of the sensation, of being buried within the other as he did so, was overwhelming...

The chameleon lifted his head as they both smiled softly at each other through their joyful delirium, Mariano's pleasantly hazy gaze scrutinizing the other's expression for any signs of regret or reconsideration...

Of which he found none. Only love and contentment...

Satisfied, Mariano gently pulled the other down to rest fully against him, embracing the shifter's middle gently as the chameleon's delicate arms tenderly curled around his neck in a similar manner.

Mariano started the kissing first, which was unusually relaxed, their lips simply gently brushing the other's...

Mariano taking his time in between to flutter his eyes open, observing the shifter's lidded expressions as well as leisurely counting said shifter's endless number of freckles...

"I want to have this family... with you Mari..." the brunette whispered happily against his throat, the pair only having a few moments to soak in the joy of the possibility before...

A moment later a rather out of breath Pepa bursts through the door, causing Mariano to quickly pull the embroidered quilt over the shifter and himself to conceal their bare forms.

Red faced, she simply stood in the doorway, eyes slightly averted, though both of the men before her were covered rather well by the quilt.

"Hi mami..." Camilo said quietly, a nervous smile overtaking his face at her deadly gaze, not to mention the way that she was currently ignoring Dolores' attempts to convince her to leave to allow them to get dressed...

Finally, after a few moments, which felt like hours to the caught pair, she spoke. "I want you dressed and outside in five minutes, and you. Will. Explain. EVERYTHING." She hissed.

She ground her teeth while massaging her temples after she spoke these words, muttering something rather inappropriate in Spanish as she spun out of the room, slamming the door behind her...

Mariano sighed, already knowing how this was going to go down...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now