Ring On It

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"Wait, RING SHOPPING?" Mariano asked, to clarify, as he was pulled by Mirabel towards the entrance of Casita, flanked by the rest of the female posse.

"Yep." Luisa said, popping the "p" as she walked next to Dolores, Isabela walking between him and Mirabel, a small trail of poison ivy, sprouting out from her footsteps, revealing her good mood.

Though he was happy she was free to express herself, Mariano still made an effort to avoid making contact with the dangerous plant as he was dragged alongside the four Madrigals to the town...

Along the way the group encountered Agustin, returning from the town after assisting an English-speaking traveller with directions to the nearest large city.

Luisa and Mirabel had wasted no time in swiftly convincing their father to assist them, explaining that the married Madrigal would make a terrific reference for their needs.

Once they actually reached the shop Mariano could feel his feet turning to lead, uneccessary terror bolting through him as it all pieced together.

He was actually doing this..!

He was going to ask Camilo, his beloved chameleon...

To marry him..!

Why did that thought terrify him so..?

Because he could say no... his conscience reminded him unhelpfully.

Though chances of this situation occurring were slim to none in this case, with both having already confessed their love to one another, the chance was still there...

What if the shifter wasn't ready to commit to him..?

Or if he changed his mind after speaking to his mother and Abuela..!

Or if he-! "-iano? Mariano!" A voice said, snapping him out of his spiraling thoughts. "Huh..?"

He responded in a dazed fashion, blinking his eyes rapidly to clear his head in order to see Isabela, who was currently gesturing at a display case filled with gorgeous bands.

"We've been in here for ten minutes, Mariano." the purple toned Madrigal sighed, concealing a gentle smirk as she did so.

"The least you can do is pretend to have an idea of what you want to get him..!" She giggled as Dolores walked over to them, her bright smile rivaling her brothers' own.

"I've just spoken to the manager and explained what this is all about..!" She whispered excitedly, her eyes shining. "He told you to pick whichever one you want, on the house." She grinned.

"Free..!?!" Mariano questioned, still slightly out of it; watching wide-eyed as she nodded in affirmation to his question.

"He said something about 'only the best for Camilo' or something like that... whatever that means." She crossed her arms as she finished speaking, rolling her eyes fondly at the adoration present in the townsfolk for her sibling.

Luisa then walked over, the gentle Madrigal delicately handling a gorgeous heart-shaped diamond ring as she grinned. "Guys! This one looks like a heart!" She squealed happily.

"And this one's a star!!" Mirabel exclaimed, racing over from a different section to rejoin the group. As she and her sister began comparing the two bands they also began to jokingly parody the couple in question...

"Camilo!" Mirabel began in a fake deep voice, "you are the only star in my sky! Be mine foreverrrrrr!!" Mirabel continued, dramatically dropping to one knee as she held up her selected ring.

Luisa laughed before composing herself and getting into character, lowering her eyelids and cocking her hand onto her hip in a fairly accurate impression of the shifter.

"Mariano, I present to you my whole heart..!" She declared dramatically, holding her own ring outstretched in parody. "Take it and give me yours!"

As she said this she'd thrown an arm dramatically over her eyes in an effort to mimic the shapeshifter's mannerisms as well.

With both sisters fighting the laughter bubbling up within them, Dolores and Isabela cheered and giggled over their performance in representation of a theatre crowd.

Eventually the two sisters broke, their facades crumbling away as they burst out into hysterical laughter, both nearing the brink of tears as they did so.

Mariano had never been so thankful for a shop being practically empty, minus a few other patrons shopping near where Agustin was systematically examining a section of rings...

"I'm not a pirate," Mariano began, eyes narrowed in mock disrespect, "there would only be four "r"s in foreverrrr." He huffed, trying desperately to keep a straight face.

"Oh my... guys, I think he's serious..!" Dolores said with a hum, jokingly examining said male's face as her cousins and Mariano laughed at this observation.

"Are they always like this?" Mariano questioned, muffling a chuckle as he cast his amused gaze onto the youngest Madrigal sister.

"Yeahhhhhh..." Mirabel replied with a smile, glancing at all of the female Madrigals, having already migrated to different sections of the shop, ooohhhing and aaahhhing over various displays.

"We might be here a while..." she continued, trailing off with an apologetic grin sent Mariano's way as she too was drawn to a section of glittering bands.

He sighed at this, a smile playing on his lips... a while indeed...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now