Let's Do This Again

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"Maybe we can still fix this. We haven't had sex yet... not really at least..." Camilo said, thoughtfully. "Yet." Mariano added without thinking.

The other's head snapped around back towards him, a miffed element was instantly present in the other's demeanour at this single word. "It's like you're practically begging to be slapped." He hissed, eyes narrow.

"My mother would literally KILL you, and Dolores!! Oh, mierda... she already knows!" Camilo said, hands tugging on his hair nervously.

"The super hearing one? She knows?!?" Mariano questioned. He hadn't even remembered that there was someone with extended powers of hearing, especially the sister of the boy who he'd had gasping and moaning for nearly an hour last night...

"Ok, firstly, her name is Dolores. And secondly, yes! She knows because she can hear everything." He muttered anxiously.

"Like, everything everything?" Mariano asked, mildly irritated by the prospect of someone having been able to hear him and his chameleon during their lovemaking session.

"Yes! Everything! Yesterday! Last night! Even now!!" He exclaimed. "Which means it's only a matter of time before my mom finds out, and then she'll-!" The shifter panicked, pacing next to the bed.

Mariano, who could tell that the other was on the verge of a breakdown, interrupted here before things could escalate any further.

"Hold on." He said, standing up and grabbing the other's hands. "Breath. Calm down, it's ok we can talk to your sister before your mom finds out."

Mariano had initially been hesitant to touch the other for fear of invoking the chameleon's rage, but now Camilo simply allowed himself to be led back to the bed, eyes closed and breathing deeply in an effort to collect himself.

Once he was properly seated and relaxed enough, due to the breathing exercises, he opened his eyes once more, fluttering them in the process, drawing attention to the shifter's face.

Mariano found himself picking out little details... like his lashes' length, the gentle dusting of freckles that adorned his face, and those perfectly kissable lips...

"Your freckles are beautiful..." Mariano muttered absentmindedly, lightly stroking down the side of the other's face and the bridge of his nose, causing the other to blush lightly at both the compliment and sensation.

"Yeah, well now she knows your opinion on those too. Along with everything else." He chuckled, eyes still stormy but less so now.

Mariano smirked at this overstatement. "Just be glad your sister isn't a mind reader or we'd have to explain a whole lot more..." Mariano chuckled as the other flushed deeper at his insinuation, throwing a pillow at his head.

Now that they were both quiet and collected it allowed Mariano's gaze more opportunity to wander along the other's exposed flesh.

The only garment currently covering the boy, the poncho, stopped around the shapeshifter's mid-thigh, allowing for plenty of the brunettes' sun kissed skin to show for him to admire.

The other half of Mariano's mind was desperately trying to not short-circuit at the thought that there was nothing underneath that poncho were he to lift it up...

He needed to touch him.

He shifted over on the bed, facing the collected Camilo, who was clearly thinking quite deeply about something... Just as Mariano was about to act on his previous thought and touch him, the boy interrupted.

"Y'know how I was saying earlier that I didn't mind last night?" He asked, moving to retrieve the pillow that he'd thrown earlier.

"Yeah?" Mariano replied nervously, praying the shifter hadn't changed his mind.

"Well... I wouldn't mind doing it again... sometime..." He continued cautiously, hugging the pillow as he gauged the other's reaction.

"Really?" Mariano cheered internally as his face couldn't help but break out into a soft grin.

"Yeah..." Camilo smiled shyly at the other's surprise and joy.

Then Mariano then moved forward to close the space between them, leaning in for a kiss...

Before being stopped by a finger on his lips.

"No. Nonononononono," Camilo said with a deadpan expression. "that time is definitely not now." As he spoke he stood up, grabbing his other items of clothing up from the floor.

"Where are you going?" Mariano questioned, looking reluctantly at the brunette as he quickly dressed himself and got ready to leave.

"Back to my room. Mirabel will be by to wake me and I need to look like I was there the whole night. Got it?" He asked, brow raised at the other male's possessive behaviour.

"Yep..." Mariano sighed wistfully. "Good." Camilo said sweetly, fixing his hair a bit in the vanity mirror before walking over to Mariano and putting his arms around the older male's neck.

"We'll talk more about... this... us... later, ok?" the shifter asked in gentle confirmation, he was so close that he was practically on the other's lap...

"O-ok." Mariano agreed. Although he would probably have agreed to anything that the chameleon's sharp tongue had told him at that moment.

Then the shifter had smiled, that same joyful smile that permeated Mariano's very soul, before leaning in to quickly kiss him before fleeing out the door, closing it behind him.

Mariano was left alone in the room, initially in shock at what had just taken place before his mind caught up with his racing heartbeat and warm face and he simply fell back to lay on the bed, smiling...

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now