Sisterly Love

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At breakfast the next morning Mariano attempted to act natural while being constantly glared at by the shifter's older sister.

Camilo had tried to retain some distance between them in order to avoid a scene, seating himself next to his sister as opposed to next to Mariano which the latter both greatly appreciated and disliked at the same time...

As they all sat down to eat Mariano was uncharacteristically wary of the older Madrigal sister, maybe it was because of the knives her eyes kept glaring into his face, or the actual breakfast knife that she was holding in her hand.

Yeah, probably the breakfast knife.

He avoided her for the entire meal until she finally cornered him alone in the kitchen when he volunteered to wash up and she quickly suggested that she assist him.

She said assist, he heard assassinate.

It would have aroused suspicion had he refused to do the task with her so Mariano was forced to meekly dry what she was washing, mentally willing himself to become invisible.

Maybe she had already forgotten about it..?

It was made clear that she had remembered when once it was just the two of them she made a show of beginning to wash the last of the dishes, a carving knife, extra slowly...

"I know." Dolores finally said flatly. Her tone was cold and her eyes were cut so narrow they could have sliced glass. Her hands toyed with the sudsy blade, the handle clenched firmly in one hand.

Mariano swallowed nervously at this, as her smouldering expression finally turned towards him and he was starkly reminded of how parallel her current facial expression was to her brother's...

Only she was far more dangerous.

Mariano opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off harshly by the other.

"You KNOW that I know." She growled, turning towards him with the soapy knife as he quickly dropped his dish towel and backed up against the wall hastily.

His father had always taught him to never back down from a fight; clearly he had never encountered any enraged overprotective sisters carrying deadly weapons.

"How dare you do that to him!" She hissed, knife angled expertly under his jaw, her normally mellow tone now filled with venom.

"The only reason I'm not ripping you to shreds right now is that I know it would affect HIM." She snarled, "If I had my way I'd-!"

"Really?" The shifter's voice interrupted the confrontation, he was standing in the doorframe, a hand on either side, looking mildly irritated at the scene before him.

"I leave the two of you alone for five minutes and it's already halfway to a crime scene." The shifter pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a long exhale before speaking once more.

"Dolores," Camilo warned, "put down the knife..."

Dolores ignored the other's presence, pressing the blade more firmly against the other's skin, with Mariano desperately trying to convey 'help me' through his gaze.

"Dolores, how exactly are you expecting this to go..?" Camilo questioned thoughtfully. "You know if you kill him he'll scream..." The chameleon mused.

"Everyone will come running, gasping and shrieking at the sight of him dead on the floor..." he continued, placing his hands on his face in mock surprise while shifting between various family members.

"They'll ask you why you did it and you'll say something like: he was too loud, he had to go!" He exclaimed, shifting into Dolores with his hands on his hips as he said her lines.

"And then what?" He questioned, shifting back to his own form as he leaned against the counter next to the two. "Everyone agrees with you and links arms to frolic into the sunset?" He asked blankly, brow raised.

Dolores tried to keep a straight face as the other spoke but ended up cracking a small smile at the 'frolic into the sunset' line. At this her brother smiled softly, walking over and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Dolores..." he began again, "put the knife down..." This was all he said before turning to exit the kitchen after gesturing for Mariano to follow him out.

Dolores complied, lowering the knife, leaving room for the frightened Mariano to escape her wrath.

Then she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt as he moved to race past her, pulling his face close to her own as she did so.

"You break his heart and I break your bones." She promised, her words as serious as they could be. Mariano stood there frozen as she spoke, still blocking his way as he moved to follow his chameleon out of the kitchen.

"And if that's not threatening enough, I'm sure Luisa would also be happy to break a few other things for me." She hummed as she walked back over to the sink to rinse off the knife.

"That is if our mother will leave anything for her to break." She continued, moving to finish up the rest of the dishes and placing them next to the sink to dry.

"Think about it." She seethed.

And then she was gone. Mariano could feel his heart racing as though he'd just ran a marathon...

He shakily stepped out into the hallway outside the kitchen, finding the shifter leaning on the wall next to the doorframe.

"Took you long enough." The brunette muttered, rolling his eyes as the paranoid male crept out of the kitchen. "I-is she gone..?" He asked quietly, his voice hardly above a breathy whisper, glancing around nervously.

"Yeah she's gone, but she can definitely still hear you." Camilo stated calmly before continuing.

"If I'm being honest, I don't think she hates you that much... I mean, look on the bright side; she didn't kill you." He shrugged, arms crossed.

"That's the bright side?!?" Mariano exclaimed in disbelief, "What if she decides to change her mind?!?"

At this the shifter simply sighed, turning and placing his hands comfortingly on Mariano's shoulders, their height difference causing him to look up through his lashes slightly as he spoke.

"In that case, there's no help for you." He said sweetly with a smile, before turning and disappearing down an alternate hallway.

This boy would be the death of him...


We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now