Silken Ties (NSFW Beginning)

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Mariano wasted no time in pressing his lips firmly against the other's own in a chaste kiss that the shifter sweetly returned, keening and bucking his hips slightly in desperation, willing Mariano to continue his touching...

The other male paused, an idea forming in his mind... leaning down to the other's ear he whispered, "If you keep squirming like that I might just have to use something to tie you down..." he half joked.

The shifter's eyes widened at this, involuntarily moaning loudly, a suspiciously excitable sound at the threat, his length seeming to twitch eagerly in Mariano's grip. Mariano grinned, not expecting such a strong reaction from the chameleon.

So he liked that idea, huh..?

Looking around quickly, he suddenly stood up, releasing the brunette's cock and stepping off of the bed for a moment. The shifter gasped at the loss of sensation before directing his attention to the source.

"W-why'd you stop..?" He whined out, his breathing slightly heavier than normal, observing Mariano as he inspected his curtains. He'd forgotten to get rid of them with the windows so for now they just looked a bit random on the walls...

Didn't mean he understood why the other male felt the need to grab one side and tear it down...

"I didn't think they looked that bad..." the shifter grumbled, standing up from the bed with a gasp, still incredibly turned on by any friction, though he was now half decent with the help of his poncho.

He was less interested in the actual damage and more in the behaviour of the other... Besides, he could easily replace the drapes with whatever he wanted to; when he so desired; so that wasn't an issue.

Mariano chuckled at the other's response to his action. "I didn't do it because I don't like them." He smirked as he took the single drape and ripped it down the middle, creating two decent strips of fabric.

At this, the chameleon narrowed his eyes in thought, the gears in his head turning as he pondered over this statement. Then his eyes widened, his flush simultaneously deepening as he came to a conclusion.

"Y-you want to..!" He began, before trailing off, swallowing his next few words as he watched the other approach the bed and began to tie the cloth around both of the top bedposts.

"Mhmmm." Mariano hummed in agreement, not looking up from his task until he was done. Once it was completed he rose from the bed and approached the shapeshifter who was still in shock.

"I think these would look absolutely lovely around those delicate wrists of yours... don't you..?" Mariano purred into the crook of the shifter's neck, relishing in the pleasant shiver that coursed through the frozen Madrigal at his words.

Camilo blinked a few times to snap himself out of his trance before nodding quickly, his voice breathless and slightly higher as he spoke. "I think s-so too..." he whispered, his words steadier and more composed now.

And definitely sure that he wanted this...

Mariano pulled away, looking for any trace of hesitation in the other male's gaze. Upon finding none he tenderly traced a hand through the other's auburn curls. "You can tell me if you don't wanna do this." He reassured the trembling male.

The chameleon simply shook his head, solid in his decision. "I want this..." he confirmed, dark eyes meeting Mariano's own in a firm gaze. At this Mariano raised a brow, a smile playing at his lips as he gestured freely to the bed.

The brunette quickly arranged himself on the bed, wrists held up submissively waiting to be tethered to their respective posts. Mariano had to pause to calm his racing heartbeat at the sight of his angel waiting oh so patiently for him...

He swallowed, attempting to contain his nearly tangible lust for the Madrigal before him as he moved to tie the other's wrists, ensuring that the bindings were not too constricting against the other's skin.

Once finished Mariano could hardly resist tracing his hands along the other's form appreciatively, undoing the bottom buttons of the other male's shirt below his poncho in order to trace invisible patterns onto the other's hips.

Camilo mewled at the other's slight touches, not fully expecting them, and also due to the increased sensitivity against his skin, as his eyes were currently tightly closed and his sense of touch had been rendered useless...

This left him completely at the other's mercy. And Mariano intended to savor every minute of it...

Drawing out his touches, he caressed along the other male's skin as it was gradually revealed, leaving the chameleon tugging at his silken bonds due to the stimulation.

"Now that you're all done up just for me, why don't I help you with this little problem..." Mariano grinned, tracing the shifter's previously neglected cock gently with a hand as he situated himself between the other male's spread legs.

The captured Madrigal could only moan and squirm as the other male gently traced his exposed length with his tongue, a teasing hint at what was to come...

Everything was just so s-sensitive...

The shifter gasped deeply, trying to maintain composure as he was toyed with, certain that the other was trying to KILL him...

Then, all at once, the sensation hit him...

A near searing heat surrounding his cock in an instant, the pleasure encasing him, mischievous bright eyes looking up at him from the source...

Camilo screamed.

We were made for each other (Camilo x Mariano)Where stories live. Discover now