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"I think my feelings may have change. I don't know why I never thought about this before."

"Yeah you think"

Raph said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I guess probably after looking into my little girl's eyes, the worst thoughts came to mind. I don't know what to do I'm...I'm..."


Leo finished for Donnie who lost his train of thoughts. Donnie let out a sigh in disappointment.

"What do I do? What do I tell Nova?"

He asked to his brothers that were surrounding them. He needed to clear his thoughts and needed advice.

"I think it's best you just tell her how you feel. She's a smart girl, she can figure out what you're thinking"

Leo said comfortingly.

"I don't want Agent Bishop to be around my daughter or even Nova. The way she was looking at her like if she was an experiment"

He said sadly.

"Maybe she was curious. She used to be a mutant turtle before"

Mikey answered. Donnie slammed his head to the table as he let out a groan in frustration.

"It wouldn't be bad for Stella to live down here with us right?"

He asked to his brothers. Leo gently placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder.

"You have to talk to her Donnie. You only have questions and no answers, you need to go to the source, speak to Nova"

He insisted. Donnie let out a sigh as he covered himself with his arms over his head.

*Somewhere Else*

Vitani frown in thought as she remained looking at her phone on the bed.

"Why does he doubt us?"

Matilda asked.

"Because he's scared. I knew their had to be a reason why he didn't want us close to the baby"

Vitani said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"This isn't right, Vitani. You know better"

Ember said. Vitani rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, you're curious too"

"Just wait until they find out you've bugged their shell phone"

"Before we change subject, shouldn't we tell Nova?"

Matilda asked in concern.

"No, Donnie said he will tell her. So we wait on his time"

Ember stated firmly.

*Area 51; Bishop's Lab*

Donnie let out a sad sigh as he made his way to the corridors to Bishop's lab where Ember informed him that Nova was in there. The sound of a baby's cry stopped Donnie's train of thought as he gasp.

'Oh no, please no, oh shell!'

He thought as he ran towards the lab and gasp as he saw Nova and Agent Bishop standing over the table with Stella crying on the table.

"No get away from her!"

Donnie yelled as he jumped over Agent Bishop and Nova as he snatched his baby girl into his arms off the table as he held his bo staff on the other hand ready to fight his way out. Agent Bishop and Nova looked to Donatello in surprise.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Nova yelled in confusion at her boyfriend's behavior. She knew there was something ever since she had the baby a few weeks ago.

"He was making her cry"

Donnie reasoned as he slowly but his bo down as he didn't seem them No longer as a threat but kept his guard up.

"No he wasn't, my father was helping me change her diaper and I was having trouble putting it around her shell. What do you think we were doing?"

Donatello cringe as he knew he made a fool of himself assuming that Agent Bishop and Nova were experimenting on the baby turtle. Nova raised an eyebrow and soon caught on as to why he reacted the way he did.

"Dad, can you give us a minute"

She said quietly. Bishop said nothing as he simply walked out of the room.

"Nova I..."

Donnie began to say but Nova cut him off.

"Save it. All this never trusted me....after everything we been through"

She scolded him.

"It's not my fault!"

He yelled causing Stella to cry more.

"My daughter is in a place like this and just look at her, anyone would think you're experimenting on her"

"I am her mother! Donnie, dammit give her to me!"

She yelled as she took a step forward but Donnie unconsciously took a step back causing Nova to pause in shock.

"Are you taking her away from me?"

She asked quietly.

"Nova....she'll be safer with me"

He said just as quietly. Nova felt her heartbreak at those words as tears threatening to fall.

"I can't believe this is actually happening"

"Nova I tried....I really did but I can't let her stay here"

Nova sadly put her head down before looking at him.

"Have you forgotten that I'm also a mutant turtle?"

She asked.

"Of course I haven't forgotten but anyone's guess will be just as mine. Look at yourself, you're a human, she's a turtle and I'm a turtle"

Donnie said sadly.

"I'm a mutant on the inside. I never thought looks would matter to you"

"It doesn't I mean....what if you experiment on her and try to make her human"

"I would never..."

"No but your father would right? And your just one step away from being just like him"

"But I'm Nova"

She cried as the tears finally fell. Donnie shook his head as he looked down to Stella in his arms.

"She deserves to be with me. You have to understand that Nova"

He said.

"That's not very nice Donnie."

Said a voice as Donnie looked up to see Vitani, Matilda and Ember behind Nova looking at him.

"You can't just walk up in here and demand to keep the baby with..."

"That's enough"

Nova said as she wipe away her tears angrily.

"You can have her"

She said as she turn around to walk away. Ember, Matilda, Donnie and Vitani were surprise.


Matilda said in shock.

"You can't just abandoned her like that!"

Vitani yelled back to her sister. She angrily looked to Donnie and was about to lunge at him but Ember stopped her.

"Go Donnie, you can leave"


Matilda asked.

"Yes. Donnie just needs to sort out his thoughts. Am I right?"

She asked. Donnie sadly nodded as he made his way out of the room and headed back home with Stella in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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