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"Alright this must be the place"

Matilda said as she leaned down on the roof top as she looked across the street to another apartment.

"Are you sure?"

Mikey asked as he got down beside her as she giggle.

"Don't doubt Nova. She said my counterpart would be living on the top floor"

Mikey nodded. Together they waited patiently and quietly for any sign of the girl.

"Gosh this is boring"

Matilda said with a groan. Mikey looked to Matilda curiously.

"So what's gonna happen once we get the girls together?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't know. We are doing our part on finding the girls and then we are gone, the rest is up to you guys. Just promise me when you meet my counterpart you will take it easy with her"

Mikey frown.

"Why do you say that?"

Matilda ignored him as she took out her small binoculars to look through the window.

"Hold up, what is it that your not telling me?"

Mikey insisted. Just then the sound of a scream caused Mikey to duck down beside Matilda as they saw a girl climb out the window and up to the fire escape.

"That's right! You better run slut!"

Yelled a man as he slam shut the window leaving the girl out. Mikey quickly stood up but Matilda held on to his arm.

"Mikey! No stop!"

"I'm sorry but I can't stand here and watch her get abuse knowing that I can do something about it"

He said as he followed the girl from a distance before leaping to the next roof just close to her before moving in closer but remain in the shadow. Matilda couldn't help but smirk as she held her watch to her mouth.

"Phase one complete, over"

"Roger that, head back to the lair, over"

"Nova for the last time you really need to tell me about this Roger fellow you keep mentioning"


Nova yelled thought the walkie talkie. Matilda took one last glance to Mikey and her look alike self with a smile before heading back to the lair.

*(12)Mikey & (12)Matilda*

Mikey felt his cheeks heat up and his heart beat up faster as he gotten closer to the crying girl. He quickly tried to think of a way to get her attention without scaring her. He then saw a small pebble on the ground and slightly grin as he grabbed it and threw it at her shoulder before ducking quickly. He took a deep breath before looking over and was surprise to see the girl gone.

"Where did she go?"

He said to himself.

"Did you threw a pebble at me?"

Said a female voice behind him. Mikey quickly scream as he jump and spun around to see the girl standing there amused at his reaction.

"Um...yeah I did. Sorry about that"

He said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head and lightly blush as the girl inspect him as she walked around him before making her way back to where she was sitting at before.

"What are you?"

She asked curiously.

"Y-you're not afraid?"

He asked and slightly kicked himself as he stuttered.

"It's New York City, you're bound to see something unique one way or another. So again, may I ask, what are you?"

"Oh right. Um m-my name's Michaelangelo but you can call me Mikey"

"Hi Mikey, I'm Matilda"

She said with a smile as she motion for him to sit beside her.

"Don't worry, I won't bite"

She said playfully causing him to smirk as he went to sit beside her as they watch the city lights illuminating the night sky.

"I heard you crying"

He said trying to make conversation. Matilda looked to Mikey in surprise before sadly looking down.

"Oh, you heard that"

"Who was that guy?"

"My stepdad"

"Does he hit you often?"

He asked as he motion the cuts and bruises on her arms. Matilda looked away from him slightly as she held her arms.

"You would think after living with my stepdad for years that I would be use to a little pain"

"Don't say that, you don't deserve pain in fact nobody does"

He said causing Matilda to look at him in slight surprise.

"But it's what makes me feel alive plus you don't know me, you don't know my past..."

"Maybe I don't need to know your past to know who you are because what I see right now is a beautiful girl who I wouldn't mind calling you a friend"

He said with a smile as he held out a hand to her. Matilda looked at his three fingered hand with a slight frown before looking at him.

"I'm not a friendship type of girl, I'm not perfect Mikey"

"And you're talking to a guy who lives in the sewers. Trust me a friend is someone who thinks you're perfect even if everyone else thinks you're broken"

"That's really sweet of you to say. Maybe a friend is just what I need."

She said with a light blush as she smiled brightly before grabbing his hand.

"Also, were you spying on me?"

"Um nooo, I'm just an average friendly neighborhood mutant turtle"

He said with a slight laugh.

"And what's with the ninja mask and that thing around your belt?"

She asked.

"Oh these babies are my weapons, my favorite, the nunchuks"

He said as he showed off his moves to impress Matilda.

"Wow, neat-o. So you are a ninja. Do you actually use those smoke bombs to disappear and reappear?"

She asked excitedly.

"That's right Babycakes. I can show you some moves if you want"

He said trying to warm up to Matilda who was quickly accepting his friendship.

"Oh yeah!"

She said excitedly. Suddenly a loud voice yelled interrupting the conversation.

"MATILDA!! Get the fuck inside!!"

Yelled a man. Matilda immediately crestfallen as she knew it was time to head back inside.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

She asked curiously as she stood up.

"Yeah for sure, here you can call me on my shell phone"

He said as he gave her his number causing her to smile.

"Well Goodnight Mikey"

She said kindly as she walked away as Mikey stood there with a smile.

"Yeah, goodnight"

He said.

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