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The girls and the turtles were gathered together at area 51 at the teleportation room with Agent Bishop. The ride over was quiet, nobody didn't know what to say and nobody didn't want to say anything.

"How does this work exactly?"

Donnie asked as he looked up at the machine.

"It's a portal basically for anything. It can transport you to a different timeline, space travels and a dimensional transporter"

Nova explain gently before looking to her father.

"Dad, I got to be honest...I don't want to go this time around"

Agent Bishop frown.

"What makes this time so different?"

He asked. Nova and Ember sadly looked down at the ground.

"I need an answer"

He said sternly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey come on, what's with the sad faces? We'll be back before you know it"

Matilda said lightening up the mood.

"I want to stay here with Donnie"

Nova said as she linked her arm with her boyfriend as she clinged to his arm.

"You're making me want to reconsider my decision of you dating"

Agent Bishop said with a glare. Donnie let out a sad sigh as he removed his arm from Nova and gently cup her cheek.

"Nova, I think you should go with them"

"But Donnie..."

"Your sisters will need you, besides you know this dimension inside an out and you know I love you. You have to go"

Donnie said quietly as Nova sadly embrace him.

"But it can take us longer?"

Ember said. Vitani raised an eyebrow at her sister.

"Are you seriously having second thoughts on staying too? You out of all people"

Ember sadly looked down.



"Well I'm sorry okay, I just, can't the guys come with us?"

She asked to her father who simply shook his head.

"Ember, this is yours and your sister's mission. Our mission is to keep the city safe. You need to do what you have too. I promise I will be here waiting for you when you return. I love you"

Leo promised as Ember immediately embrace him as she buried her face to his plastron.

"I love you too"

"Okay, now that the drama sap had pass, let's get this show on the road"

Matilda happily yelled as she turn on the machine. Mikey tried swallowing the lump in his throat as he quickly took a step forward towards Matilda.

"Wait Matilda...I...I just wanted to say..."


She asked.

"I...I...um don't do anything crazy in there"

He said sadly as Matilda smiled at him as she gave him a wink.

"You got it. Don't have too much fun without us"

She said as she stepped into the platform. Ember gave Leo a passionate kiss as they departed.

"Be safe"

He said gently.


She said with a slight smile as she walked away an stepped into the platform. Nova handed Donnie a tablet that looked more high advance than any other tablet.

"No matter where we are in the dimension, we can stay in contact"

She said as she gave him a kiss before entering the platform. Vitani said her goodbyes to her Dad before stepping on to the platform. Raph shook his head as he pushed away his stubbornness and took a few forward towards the machine.


He yelled. Vitani looked back as the platform illuminated under her feet.

"I'll be waiting for you to come back"

He said seriously as tears threaten to fall. Vitani smirks at him with a thumbs up and a wink.

"Don't start going soft on me now Raphie"

She said as the light on her feet got brighter. The guys quickly shield their eyes as the room got illuminated and soon died down. The turtles look and were surprise to the girls gone.

"What kind of dimension did they go to?"

Donnie asked to Agent Bishop who was clicking away on the computer to make sure the girls arrived in one piece.

"It's more like a 3d dimension"

He answered as he signal Donnie to hand over the tablet. Donnie was about to refuse but Agent Bishop snatch it away as he turn it on and handed it back to him.

"See, they finally arrived"

Donnie curiously looked to the tablet and saw Nova smiling at him.

"Nova are you okay?"

He asked.

"Peachy. You see, there was nothing to worry about. We just need to locate the other Shen Gong Wu and then we will be back"

"How many is right there at the dimension you are at?"

Raph asked.

"The last ones"

"You girls take care of yourselves"

Leo said kindly.

"Don't cause any trouble"

Mikey said with a grin.

"Will do. Also if you guys need anything don't hesitate to ask my Dad"

"Be safe babe"

Donnie said quietly. Nova smiled as she winked at him.

"Nova out"

She said as the screen went blank. Agent Bishop casually leans against his desk as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Now that the girls are gone, tell me about this gathering you are planning"

Leo cleared up his throat and began to explain.

"Okay, let's get started. We asked you all here because everything going on in the city, the transformations, the monsters, it's all the work of an ancient, resurrected demon. The original Shredder, from the fourth century AD. His power is growing by the minute. The evil that transformed this city is spreading over the world. The ENTIRE world. Whether we like it or not, we're all in this TOGETHER"

Agent Bishop looked to the turtles with a serious look.

"Very well"

*Into the TMNT 2012 dimension*

"This place is blocky"

Matilda said as she looked at the people and the city.

"It's 3d you brainless moron. Nova do you have the location?"

Vitani said crossing both her arms over her chest.

"I do but first we need a ride"

"I'll take care of that"

Matilda volunteer as she walked out of the alley and into the street. In less than a minute, a car rolled up beside Ember, Nova and Vitani as the window scrolled down.

"Here I am, here I am, how do you do?"

Matilda happily sang.

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