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"After I took your chopper, I did my own personal modification to it"

Donnie said as he looked to Nova who was incredulous.

"But how could you have made more modification? I put it to perfection"

"And there's always room for perfection"

He said as he grabbed the blue prints, opening it to lay it on the table. Donnie and Nova were going over simple gadgets they like to tinker with in Donnie's lab. As Donnie was explaining to Nova he didn't notice the way Nova was looking at him lovingly. He soon looked up from the blue prints and notice the way she was looking at him with a gentle smile. Donnie smiled gently as he put his pencil down as he stood upright.

"Am I a distraction for you?"

He asked with a chuckle causing Nova to blush as she giggle.

"No, no it's just....nothing"

She said gently biting her lips as she looked away disappointed. Donnie continue to look at her with a smile.

'Doesn't she know how beautiful she is and yet here she is in the sewers with me'

He thought. Night time soon arrived and the guys went out in patrol while Nova stood to keep Master Splinter entertain until they return.

"Can you believe I travel through dimensions and far wide countries, and yet I never visited Japan"

Nova said with a giggle. Master Splinter smiled.

"It is a very beautiful place"

"Yeah I seen pictures on google"

"Tell me Ms. Bishop what is your interest in my son?"

He asked with a smirk causing Nova to spit out her drink with a blush.


"It's clearly obvious you both have interest in each other, everyone can see that"

Nova blush as she looked down.

"I don't really know if he likes me"

"I know my son, Ms. Bishop and he is never like this. He lets you into his lab and he never let anyone in his lab."

"You really thinks so?"

"Of course"

"Then why haven't he said anything? Or why haven't he done anything about it?"

"Fear of rejection, he doesn't want to lose your friendship"

Nova smiled as she thought about it, but her thoughts were soon interrupted with a yell.


Raph, Leo and Mikey yelled. Master Splinter and Nova quickly ran to the living room to see Donnie battered and unconscious on the couch. Nova gasp.

"Oh my God, what happen?!"

She yelled as she quickly ran to his side.

"A bomb, Donnie tried to defuse it but it was a fake while another bomb went off and he got hurt while trying to get us out"

Leo explain sadly. Mikey quickly went to get the first aid kit.


She hissed.

"I can work on him, but I need more space. Can you carry him to his lab"

She asked looking to the three mutants. Raph and Mikey nodded as they carefully took Donnie to the lab and placed him on the table. The guys stood around in case she needed help while Nova worked on Donnie cleaning his wounds and bandaging him. Nova quickly hooked up an IV to Donnie for dehydration.

"Now we wait"

Nova said wiping away her tears. Leo, Raph, Mikey and Master Splinter saw the way Nova worked on Donnie and can clearly see she was in tears. In less than an hour, Donnie began to stir awake, looking at the ceiling tiredly and then looked to see Nova smiling at him with tears as she was sitting on the table.

"You're here"

He said lowly with a small smile. Nova smiled with tears as show was lost on what to say but actions speak louder than words as she leaned over him and pressed her lips to his. They soon pulled away and smiled at each other before kissing again more passionate. They soon pulled away panting.

"Nova, I love you and I know I should have said something sooner but I was just scared"

He said quietly. Nova smiled as she caress his cheek lovingly.

"Why me?"

She asked looking into his eyes. Donnie placed his hand over hers that was on his cheek.

"Because you saw me when I was invisible"

He said leaning up towards her but quickly went back down as he let out a groan.

"Bad idea"

"Here let me"

She said leaning down towards him to give him another passionate kiss.


Said a voice causing them to pull away from each other and looked to the door to see Michaelangelo.


Donnie said as Nova pulled away for he can see him.

"Are you okay?"

He asked. Donnie smiled as he linked his hand with Nova.

"I am now"

"Are you guys together or together together?"

He asked.

"Not yet"

He said as he looked to Nova.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Nova smiled at him.


Donnie smiled as he looked back to his younger brother.

"Now we're officially together"

"Hey dudes! Donnie has a girlfriend!!"

Mikey yelled causing Raph and Leo to head to the lab and indeed saw Donnie's hand link with Nova.

"I can't say that I didn't see this coming but I didn't see this coming so soon"

Leo said. Raph remained silent as he simply shook his head and walked out of the room along with Leo and Mikey. Donnie was honestly hurt by the lack of encouragement from his brothers but remained silent until Nova spoke.

"I don't think your brothers and my sisters like the idea that we're together"

Donnie looked to her.

"Why do you say that?"

He asked.

"Nobody said congratulations and I text my sisters and I haven't got a response"

She said putting her phone away.

"Maybe their busy"

He said trying to be positive. She looked to him with a raise eyebrow.

"Come on, everyone keeps their phone in hand"

Donnie let out a sigh as he knew she was right. He looked to her with a concern look.

"You think this was a mistake?"

He asked worried that she will end the relationship after just a few minutes but Nova simply smirk at him.

"If they have a problem with us, then that's on them"

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