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I'm all but hopping my way into the kitchen to see Sam and mom doing the dishes together, "I see someones happy," I smiled at her and handed her the glass dish in my hands, she instantly started scrubbing the sauce off of it, "Yeah, it's nice, relaxing, that's the last of the dishes though." She nodded to me and paused, lifting her hands up, the radio was playing an old country styled song before Michael flipped the station walking in. 'Land Of A Thousand Dances' pops on and I watch as our mom begins to dance to the old sixties hit. Suddenly she puts down her dish towel and starts to dance in full swing pulling my little brother with her. "This is how we used to do it. 'Pony Time.'"

He mimics her dancing but he's got more of a wild flailing to his moves. It's funny for a moment and we're all laughing as I hopped up on top of the counter watching them. They even tried to include Michael, but he looked a bit embarrassed by the entire situation as he stood at the sink.

From the kitchen toward the boardwalk everything was just calm and new all at the same time,

Michael and Sam walked across the beach, around the burning bonfires with me trailing behind them quite close. The beach was a bit crowded. It's very strange and even a little exciting to Sam and Michael as we made our way up towards the overly lively boardwalk. Sam's fussing with his 'mussed' hair and phoenix style clothes. "You're beautiful." I shook my head as I came up beside Sam, Michael talking to him as he played with his hair, "Wanna change my hair, my clothes, my face." I laughed at him and reached up, rubbing his hair to the side just a bit, "You look fine, besides, half of these people will never even remember your face after tonight." We walked up the stairs near the bandstand. There's a group of wannabe rock musicians playing heavy music and the crowd with the action seems exciting; atleast to Sam and Michael it was.

I followed as Michael and Sam made their way through the streams of young people, literally everyone here looked to be around our ages. "Okay I'm bored, I'ma hit the walk and check out the shops a bit," I left without another word and ventured my way back through the crowds of swarming teens and young adults, even squeezing by a couple deep into a tongue session. I wandered for a while the songs changing behind me as carnie faces paced me, clown masks not even remotely terrifying as they popped out. I looked over to see my mother with a small boy, right before she walked into a shop with a large neon tv sign sitting above it. There's not much next to the store that interests me and the store itself looked a bit bland for my taste as well so I stood outside and waited, out of her sight, not in the hopes to scare her but because, frankly, children crying made me frustrated, temper tantrums at the top of my pet peeve list. My head turned as a couple of bikes drove up parking on the side of the small bumped up walkway right beside me close enough to knock them over if I wanted, and I was severely tempted.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" I looked up to the face of the first rider to see eyes looking at me, I tilted my head blinking boredly and turned my face away, "now, now, what's your name? I'm David, that's Paul, Dwayne and Marko." He looked at me expectantly as I turned back at the introductions, all of them peering at me as a frantic woman ran by us into the movie shop, "You know usually it's considered good manners to give your name after someone gives theirs." I had a sense of something washing over me and it was an instant realization; I was bored. "Well then I'd love to pop your bubble, not everyone cares." He looked at me as his friends laughed a bit, I turned and they walked past watching me until they walked into the movie shop.

I waited a few minutes before peeking into the shop just leaning against the door, "Oh, hi sweetie, Max this is my daughter." The tall glass wearing man smiled down at me and I nodded, "hello, I'm Max," I stayed quiet only shaking his outstretched hand, out of the corner of my eye I saw the biker boys round the counter coming up next to me, "Sorry she's not much of a talker," he smiled down at her before looking over to the tall bikers, "I told you not to come in here anymore." The rocker wannabe looking blonde only smiled, turning and leaving the store, but not before watching me, the three behind him doing the same, each set of eyes calculating me.

I guess Max sees my mom watching him, "Wild kids. Outside the guys got on their bikes and peel out. "Oh, they're just young. We were that age, too, once. Only they dress better." My mom has a smile on her face as she eats a small lollipop, "You've got a generous nature. I like that in a person." I realized he was flirting with her, I became bored quite instantly and peeled out of the store myself, my mother only watching on with a sigh. I walked for only a few more minutes passing an archway arcade. Michael walks briskly past me suddenly, Sammy following behind in a chase and I decide to tag along to find the object of excitement. Sam was having trouble keeping up and I grabbed him, throwing my arm around his shoulder, "Geez you scared me," I laughed at him and we continued through the thinning crowd. "Where are we going?" Michael was vague, "Nowhere," extremely vague, "Then what's the rush? You're chasing that girl, why don't you just admit it? I'm at the mercy of your sex glands!" I looked around ahead of our brother seeing nothing and no one of interest, I found myself wanting to see the girl, "Don't you have something better to do than follow me around all night?" Then, Sam stops and realizes that he's standing directly in front of a comic book store, "As a matter of fact, I do."

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