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Laying in bed my forearms thrown over my eyes in a hope for a darker frame to sleep or relax, something to deter or lose the feeling of abysmal energy. I groaned, whining just slightly before twisting around on the comforter and my pillows, I wasn't entirely sure what I was feeling but it wasn't fun, in any way, simply; uncomfortable.

"What are you doing up here all alone?" I shot up instantly falling back and covering my eyes with a groan, "What the fuck, jerk..." I winced slightly and sat up slowly only to see a familiar face, "Dwayne? What the hell are you doing here?" Running my hand over my face I sigh looking back at him, "what's wrong?" He walked towards me slowly, face unchanging, "where were you today?" I gave him an annoyed look, "I've been here, all day, where have you been?"

"Don't be stupid, Willow," I got up having to take a small bit of time to make sure I didn't pass out and bust my nose against the scratchy carpet, "if your here to be an ass just leave, I really can't deal with that shit right now." He watched with a tilted head as I wrang my hands out in front of me before flattening my hair down in a relaxing movement. "Do you not know?" I looked behind myself at him, "what are you talking about?" I walked up to him as I exhaled from my nose deeply, almost angrily, my exhaustion hitting me deeply the closer I got to him, "oh, sweetheart..." He leaned down to me as my curtains flapped behind him and another pair of boots thumped onto my wooden floors, "Dwayne, let's go," he didn't bother looking at Marko when his voice came through, instead lifting his hand, "not yet," he waved his words off as he looked down at me and put his hand to my chin, "she doesn't remember anything, do you sweetheart?" I looked up at him, feeling stuck... 

"We gotta go dude," Dwayne's hand waved him off instantly and I heard the curly haired teen smack his lips, I almost peered over at him but when Dwayne put his thumb up to his mouth, biting down harshly my eyes widened in a haste of concern, especially at the sight of the blood that dripped from the broken flesh. Only for myself to flinch back when he smeared his thumb across my lips, his blood warm and seeping into my mouth.

It hit my tongue and I blanked, my mind feeling as if it's begun to pop like little fireworks as my pupils dilated. My mind flashed as I looked at him, the blood feeling as though it seeped not only onto my tongue but into my nerves and my head, clearing the foggy pained feeling that's been plaguing me. Filling in the gaps of time I had lost, and the ones I hadn't even realized I lost...

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