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My shades are closed when I wake up, the smell of coffee and biscuits pinching my appetite, "Willow?" A knock sounds on my door, "are you coming down for breakfast?" I moan rolling over before doing a half push up onto my knees, "Sammy?" I heard the door knob twist and the door inch open slightly, "Yeah Willow?" I yawned, crawling off the bed, "can you make me a cup of coffee, I'll be down in a minute," I knew he was nodding, "yeah okay, hey can we hang out today again?" I rubbed my eyes as I took a deep stretch, "yeah, sure Sammy."

"Cool," he left and I sat there for a few seconds, my body adjusting itself from the sleep. I flip my legs off the side and sluggishly made my way to the door, catching sight of myself in my bedroom mirror. I looked like a mess, but my vision made the sight slightly blurry. I brushed my hair really quick with soft strokes before I yawned and dropped the brush leaving my room.

"Mornin' kid," I looked up as I walked down the stair, "right back at ya pop, morning mother." I made it to the last step and looked over at her in the kitchen before making my way over, "why can't you call me mom?" I shrugged looking blankly at her, "they are both forms of endearment used for the maternal figure, mother, I do not see why you have an issue concerning this," She shook her head as Sam laughed. "Just eat your breakfast, I'm going to work soon okay?" I nodded, "understood," she groaned at my reply, "if I knew I was giving birth to a robot instead of a girl I would have stocked up on chargers," Sam grimaced at her joke as our grandfather shook his head this time, "mm, well played mother, I shall make sure to return the sentiment with your next haircut." She paused looking at me before smiling and ruffling Sam's hair, kissing the top of his head and moving onto our grandfather then her, "Okay, I'm off, love you!" I nodded, "goodbye love you mother."

"Do you have to say it like that, you're so weird," I side eyed my little brother as our grandfather spoke, "she's not weird Samuel, she's unique, now, don't touch my oreos boy, I count the pack, I'll know." I smiled as he gave my head a pat, "what would you like to do today Samuel?" He shrugged, "can you help me finish my room?" I nodded, not even questioning the idea.

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