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The night was fast approaching and when it finally arrived I was sat on the porch outside, "Night Willow," I turned smiling softly, "Night Sammy, hey, don't stay up too late reading those comics." He nodded exaggeratedly and I rolled my eyes with a soft smile watching as he turned and walked inside. Leaning my head back I watched the clouds that were lit up by the moonlight roll over themselves as they stretched across the sky, "Oh Willow?" I looked down from my position before moving my head to fully face the voice properly, "trespassing on private property are we?" The curly haired blonde smirked and I tilted my head with a raised brow, "come with me," I tsked leaning my head back and shutting my eyes, "and why would I do that Marko?" I waited for the reply for less than a second when the sound of gravely dirt shifted under his boots. I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me, his hands on my armrests keeping me in the chair; caged.

"Why not?" His voice had a deep tone to it as he spoke slowly, "Why should I?" His right hand moved to brace itself above my shoulder against the back of the chair, "why not just do it?" I leaned up close, my forearms bracing on the chair, "well, it's quite late isn't it? Besides, wouldn't it be inappropriate..." I scanned his face with my eyes and he smirked again, "only if you want it to be," I raised a brow and smiled up at him, "well I guess I could join you for a bit, what are we doing, M-a-r-k-o?"

"Uno?" I smirked, "you won't win," he stood up pulling the box of cards from his pocket, "we'll see babe," I hummed, "mmm, we both know i'll win." He scoffed playfully and the game started.

" He scoffed playfully and the game started

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---I won---

"You know you cheated, you just don't want to admit it," I rolled my eyes, "so all six rounds I cheated then, right?" He huffed and I shook my head at him, "I am afraid that you think everyone cheats when you lose a game," he stayed silent, "so I am correct in my unfortunate assumption after all?" He blurted out his next word before going into a subject change, "No... Have you ever been on a ferris wheel?" I sighed and gave him a nod as he looked at the grass, his eyes flicking to and from my face a few times as if he was shy. "Are you alright, Marko?" He stopped and turned to me, "yeah of course." I nodded leaning back, "good,"

"Is it?" I looked at him straight forward and tilted my head at him, blinking a few times I smiled at him, "I think that's the first time you've actually smiled, like really smiled." I scrunched my face up and sighed leaning back, "ahh, yes, you've noticed my curse of being absolutely tired of emotions." He looked at me as if he was evaluating me, "you should smile more, you look really beautiful when you smile." I blinked in shock as he smiled softly at me, "uhm, thank you..." I spoke softly, my body feeling warm suddenly as he watched me, "I really like your hair," he laughed scratching his head, "hah thanks, I like it this way, looks real good doesn't it?" I nodded with a small smile, "see just like that, keep doing that, I like it when you smile..."

I smiled widely with a laugh as I shook my head, kicking my leg out to knock his foot, "shut up," he laughed and leaned back in his chair laughing with me as he brought his leg up to sit in the chair.

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