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I feel like sleeping my day and night away when it finally hits night and the boys leave to get back to their store, Sam heading home with our mom leaving me alone to find a ride home when I'm ready unfortunately just assuming I wanted to stay. "Well, well, well, look at who it is," I rolled my eyes and looked over at the tall long haired brunette, "hello, Dwayne..." He smirks at me noticing the jacket, "look good enough to eat right now," I gave a hum and nodded, "always am, you left your jacket last night," he eyes almost twinkled with mischief and the fact he knew what he did was on purpose, "yeah, I forgot it," nodding slowly I looked up at him and tilted my head just slightly, "sure, anyway," I started peeling it off my shoulders before he stopped me, "keep it," I paused as he got closer almost on top of me, skin to skin, "I like you wearing it," my brows raised and I smiled up at him, "of course you do, why wouldn't you?"

He reached over and pulled it back onto my shoulders, skimming my skin with his finger tips before rubbing down my arms and suddenly grabbing me by the waist and pulling me against him. "Dwayne? Whatcha doing?" His smile didn't bother me strangely but it made me shy away a little, turning my face away from him, "so, where's the others?"

"Here, there, does it matter you've got me right now, all to yourself," rolling my eyes I looked up into his, a simple thought on my mind, "and what makes you think I want you, Dwayne?" The smirk just seemed so natural on him, "oh, I know you want me sweetheart, in every, little, way."

"Oh? I didn't realize you knew me so well, Dwayne," his hand moved and trailed up to my face before rubbing my jaw and I wrapped my arms around his neck to further the little talk a bit more, "mmm, yeah, and my goal is to get to know you even better baby, besides I know you can't resist me, enamored by me aren't you baby?" I looked into his eyes and slowly batted my lashes while smiling, "it's infuriating how right you are," I groaned, enjoying messing around for once, "I need you Dwayne..." It's almost like those words freeze him for a minute before he's pulled out of his mind with an arm over his shoulder suddenly, "well hello, I've been looking for you two, not fair."

I rolled my eyes for the millionth time as usual and looked at Marko and Dwayne as they started wrestling, the look in Dwayne's eyes sticking with me for some reason, it was almost like he was sad; hollow. I had seen the same look in Marko's eyes during our uno game the other night, the conversation about his group of guys, Dwayne, Paul and David, the latter of the two seemingly never present when I show up lately or when these two appear at least.

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