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Sam and the Frogs walk toward me with their comics as I wait with an ice cream cone, "We've been aware of some very serious vampire activity in this town for a long time." I roll my eyes as Sam perches beside me listening to them, "Santa Carla has become a haven for the un-dead." I turned to look at them, "again boys?" Sam looks at me with a certain emotion and I sighed as Edgar speaks, already ignoring me, "as a matter of fact, we're almost certain that ghouls and werewolves occupy high positions at City Hall." They sit down on the boardwalk steps next to us as Sam speaks up, "I have something to tell you guys." I look over as he pauses, "not only is my own brother showing systems of being a vampire... but now I'm convinced my mother's dating one!" I groaned, earning a look from the three boys, "that is very probable. What's your reasoning?" I made a face lowering my head into my free hand before leaning back on the steps and eating my cone of ice cream, "well... he only shows up at the store after dark. And today, his dog attacked my mom." 

He whips a comic out from his back pocket and starts to speak again, "Listen to this. From Vampires Everywhere... 'Vampires require a daytime protector, a Guardian to watch over them as they sleep. For it is during the day that the vampire is most vulnerable. Since they hold sway over animals, fierce dogs; the hounds of Hell are often employed for this purpose." The Frogs look completely convinced as I look back at them for the third time.

"I told you that comic would save your life." I sat up noticing some people walking towards us, "can't a girl snack in peace without people bothering her space," Sam frowns as does Edgar, Alan a simple snarl on his face as usual, "got a problem with me pretty boy?" I can visibly see him swallow as he looks forward, Sam and Edgar confused until the incoming people snatch up any comics making Sam and the Frogs stand, the Surf Nazis literally tear the comics to shreds and sprinkle the pieces over their heads and onto the sand off the side of the rails. The boys don't do anything as I sit there sighing, completely annoyed, "what's a girl like you doing with these dweebs?" I rolled my eyes, leaning back again, "they have brains?" It takes him a minute and he smiles, "leave her alone, "I hear the laughing at Sam and it pisses me off as the leader starts to lean down towards me only stopping as I lift my foot and place it against his knee, he pauses at the action looking down. I surprise him by pushing against his knee, he falls backward suddenly and everyone watches as he tumbles to the sand at the very bottom of the stairs, his friends rushing down to him.

"Holy shit Willow," I blink a few times in boredom as the boys look down at me, "you bitch!" One of the bald guys starts to storm up towards us as I tilt my head a single brow raised, "do we have a problem here?" The boardwalk's new security guard appears beside me, "you boys need to leave, now, last warning." I smile down with a short wave as the Surf Nazis wader off with there newly limping boss or whatever, "you kids okay?" Sam answers quickly, "yes sir, thank you," The older mustache wearing man nods and leaves all while keeping his eye on the men leaving the area. "Why'd you do that, they could have hurt you," I rolled my eyes looking at Sam, "personal space Sammy." The Frogs and Sam are stunned for a few seconds, Edgar speaking up awkwardly in the mere silence, "I wish they were vampires so I could nuke them in their hearts." I sighed, again, "How do you know they're not?"

"They wouldn't be out in the daytime." I watch as they all sit back down, moving away from the shreds of paper and instead sitting behind me after I sit back up again, Alan taking the unfortunate spot right behind me as it was literally the only areas that weren't sticky with who knows what, "Exactly how many vampires have you actually destroyed?" I looked back at Edgar as he spoke, "All together?" Alan replied quickly to finish the answer, "zero." Sam looks at them like they've been putting him on and I groan for what feels like the third time, "hey, just because a Marine hasn't seen combat, doesn't mean he still isn't a Marine. Let's check out your mother's boyfriend." I roll my eyes and lean back into Alan, the teen freezing as they look at me, "Willow? What are you doing," I didn't move an inch as Alan looked down at me, my brother and Edgar doing the same with all their faces in confusion and surprise, "it's called relaxing Sammy," he stutters, "but you're..." I nod, the back of my head against Alan's stomach as I lay back, "I was here first now he can suck it up and deal with it." I close my eyes as they awkwardly continue talking; planning their mission.

Eventually Alan's hand subconsciously twirled a few strands of my hair between his fingers as they began to talk normally again, slowly falling into a moment where they each ignored just exactly how I chose to relax, Alan secretly enjoying the motion though.

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