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With that, Sam walks away from Michael into the store, shaking me off in the process and I stood there thinking on the matter, Michael is boring, he'd probably try to get into something stupid to look cool like get the word, plastered onto his forehead permanently. I decided on that thought to follow Sam as Michael walked off dazed looking. There's no one in the store beside two guys, who happen to be watching my little brother and the two sleeping hippies behind the counter. Sam was sort of inspecting the comics as I walked in, the two boys in camo were very clearly watching him, even walked up to him as I came over, "You can't put the Superman D.C. #3400 series with the #500's... it's a different artist." The boys just look at him almost like they were hoping he'd drop dead from the look in their eyes, but one of them sees something and goes to fix the mistake that Sam pointed out, this time I spoke as I moved up to Sam, my arm resting over his shoulders, "And these Archies should be over here with the Richie Rich's. Also you can't put superman #77, they haven't even discovered red kryptonite yet, I think the #98 and the #300's is pretty clear also."

The one with the army green jacket watched me as his companion's mouth twitched in irritation, "Where the hell are you two from, Krypton???" I rolled my eyes and looked over the comics near us, "Phoenix actually but lucky us, we moved here." He made a large arm gesture towards the surrounding shop with a fake fascination, "We're residents as of today and you'll probably be seeing a lot of me... I've been collecting comic books all my life... perhaps you'd like to see my collection?" They both looked at each other for a second, one of them walking behind us to grab a comic, as a crowd of rowdy adults stood at the front of the shop. "Take this. If you're gonna live around here, then here's one you don't wanna be without." He hands Sam a comic titled in bold print 'Vampires Everywhere'. "I don't like horror comics." He handed it back to him and I looked over at the dog tag wearer, he looked annoyed, "This one could save your life." His eyes met mine and his brows furrowed, like his gaze deepened, I glanced behind him and raised my brows, "Don't mind my brother and I," I looked back at his eyes right as the punk wannabe at the front of the store went for the comics, "Behind you."

It was entertaining to see his face morph into confusion before he turned and they both took off as the group ahead grabbed handfuls of comics, stealing them and taking off quickly. I huffed and looked around, taking my arm away, "What now?" He looked at me, "Mom?" I made a face and he raised an eyebrow at my action, "I dunno, she seemed to be applying for a job or something, truly she was just flirting with the guy."

"Oh, eww..." He made a face of disgust, "I don't wanna see that," I nodded along with him as we left the shop, "yeah, that's exactly why I left her and followed you." I heard him hum as we took a new direction, we passed a few more shops and some vendors, "Why are all these girls drinking smoothies?" I glanced around as we appeared on the side of the boardwalk, Michael catching my eyes as well, "ghost hunting, I hear smoothies make you clairvoyant," I received a look of utter shock and disbelief, "you expect me, Samuel Emerson, to believe that?" I walked forward towards our brother as I finished the conversation. Sam followed behind, "no, I expected you to hear me say something ridiculous because I do not know the answer to your question either." He scoffed, "then why'd you say that?" I glanced at him, "Because you expected your only sister to answer."

"You really suck you know that?" I ignored him as we appeared next to Michael, "hello brother," Sam rushes up his free hand and motions me towards a direction, turning I see our mom, "Mom's here." I look back to Michael to see the girl he was following but also a small boy, who happened to be looking at Sam's comic, "mmm, we require your presence to leave." Sam simply nodded with me, "Let's go." The girl smiles at our brother and talks sweetly and softly to him, "Nice talking to you." She smiles and walks away.

Michael starts to argue with mom as Sam and I walk in front of them after she appeared beside us, the girl and boy hopping on the back of some bikes. "It's early. Why do we have to go home?" Sam hit my arm and I was caused to look down at him as we passed the bikes, "what Sam?" He shrugged and I looked forward, "Bring your own wheels tomorrow night and you can stay as long as you want... well 'til eleven thirty maybe." Michael had an awful idea, "I'll hitch."

"Oh, no, you won't." Sam turned towards her at her words, "Mom, you hitched all the way to Berkeley once, remember?" I nodded looking back at her as bikes started up a few feet behind us, "Mom, just give me five more minutes. Just five minutes, okay?" She nods as Michael dashes off into the crowd. "He met a girl." I had no clue what he was going to do, she was with a bunch of guys, I guess he didn't see that part. Funnily enough he appeared in front of us in that second looking annoyed, "I guess no one cares that I got a job." I opened my mouth only to snap my hand into the back of Sam's neck, "Can we get a T.V.?"

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